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Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Stranger News Hour. Today 710 KIRO

posted by on September 22 at 16:43 PM

This evening at 7pm, I’ll be on David Goldstein’s show to talk about some of the stories in this week’s Stranger, including Jonah’s story on johns; Erica’s story on fixed-gear bikes; and my story on the nightclub license.

Goldy will want to bash dumb Republicans, so we’ll also talk about floundering King County Council Member, Jane Hague.

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I'm going to Oktoberfest. For those radio listeners, however, let me suggest The Swing Years on KUOW. Amanda Wilde is much cooler than these dorks

Posted by Mark | September 22, 2007 6:08 PM


Goldy is going to loose his listeners with this kind of pap

Posted by ed dippy | September 22, 2007 6:14 PM

Who are you calling a "dumb Republican?" The Muni League still rates Jane Hague as "outstanding." The Muni League is a highly-esteemed, respectable, and trustworthy organization. After all, they awarded a 2007 Civic Award to Erica Barnett.

Posted by Mark | September 22, 2007 6:40 PM

Listening to Amanda Wilde is like listening to a boring version of my parents having sex----I HATE IT!!!!!!

Posted by Ben | September 23, 2007 12:29 AM


eeewww. So listening to a 'hot' version of your parents having sex is OK?

Posted by misrule | September 23, 2007 9:58 AM

Oh. And double 'eeeeeeeeeewwwwwww' to listening to David G. on the raydeo. Mice squeak less than the sound his voice makes.

Have you ever checked out the tightly clenched loony few over on his tree-house club he generously calls a blog? Some former attorney who once picked up his paycheck in Olympia thinks he's funny and cute pretending to be a - hold for it - bunny. Call the Hague. Where's Brendan when he's needed?

Posted by misrule | September 23, 2007 10:06 AM

I thought Amanda Wilde had killed herself, but after a search I found this:

I had thought I had recognized the name when it happened. Whether it was Doyon or not, it's still an ok article with some highlights:

In August 2003, a much-beloved DJ at KUOW-FM, Seattle's NPR station, killed herself on the University of Washington campus.

I went to my editors and asked them to let me write about Doyon and wrap my own story about depression, bipolar disorder and meds around her story. They agreed. I wound up writing a very angry article that ran in January 2004. In it, I attacked the media--especially the New York Times--for practically ignoring the problem of suicide in American culture except where teens were involved.

Posted by June Bee | September 23, 2007 10:21 AM

Dan and Goldy are tight. They repost from each other's sites, often within minutes.

Posted by ed dippy | September 23, 2007 12:50 PM

Mais naturellement! Blogs of a similar political bent are incestuous. They have to be. Because, really, WHO CARES? It's like fission: they have to self-reference and cross-post until the picayune reaches critical mass.


Posted by misrule | September 23, 2007 1:13 PM

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