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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Time for a New Books Intern

posted by on March 22 at 14:42 PM

By books intern Chris Weeg

Dear Stranger-reading bibliophiles,

Do you love books? Hardly matters. Do you love data entry? Then have I got the job for you! Literally. I’ve had the job for three months, and now I want to give it to you.

What do you get to do as the books intern? You get to open mail. You get to decipher dozens of improperly formatted emails. You get to scour the internet for Seattle-area readings and lectures. You get to use a Mac’s cut and paste functions. And you don’t get paid for your time.

Does that sound pretty good? It is, actually, for the right person. You get to see how The Stranger works, you get to meet the editors who put it together, and you get access to tons and tons of brand new books. Maybe you’ll get to write for the paper, too.

Interested? Do what I did. Write an email to Christopher Frizzelle ( Explain how you have the proper mixture of [fill in your good points here], say something about how organized and dependable you are, give an opinion of The Stranger’s books coverage, and promise not to flake out once you realize that you really will be spending your time opening mail and entering data. Then, when your three months are up, jet off to Argentina, like I’m doing.

¡Adios, muchachos!

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