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Monday, March 19, 2007

Notes on the Prayer Warrior

posted by on March 19 at 13:30 PM

Close followers of the Prayer Warrior will have noted that he is currently claiming a new title, which he says was given to him by the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

The title? Special Envoy for Adoptions, Family Values, Religious Freedom, and Medical Relief.

I have a call in to the White House checking on the Prayer Warrior’s claim, but in the meantime, here’s an article from a gay online publication, based in the UK, which finds that the “Special Envoy,” while on his recent trip to Latvia, was consorting with a man who claims homosexuality was responsible for both the Nazis and the Holocaust.


Here’s an excerpt from the article:

While Latvia makes faltering steps into Europe’s economic embrace, there are many citizens who’re determined to shun the equal rights and cultural tolerance that ultimately comes with the package.

Latvia joined the EU and NATO in 2004 and has experienced some struggles to balance the country’s faith and nationalism with European laws and values. Latvia is now the only EU member state without legislation specifically outlawing discrimination at work on the grounds of sexual orientation.

Unsurprisingly, it’s been the Church that’s resisted the development of a strong, legally protected LGBT community. Cardinal Janis Pujats, head of the Latvian Roman Catholic Church, issued a series of statements on March 13 denouncing a new national program aimed at preventing problems of intolerance of sexual minorities.

The Latvian population is mostly Christian, the largest group being Lutheran with smaller pockets claiming to be Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox. Religious groups are often closely affiliated with political parties in the centre-right coalition which forms the ruling Latvian government.

Not content with a healthy contingent of home-grown homophobes, religious leaders in Latvia have been importing anti-gay firebrands to support their cause.

Last week, ex-NFL player Pastor Ken Hutcherson flew in from Washington to give advice on fighting LGBT rights.

He was joined by another American, Scott Lively, co-author of ‘The Pink Swastika- Homosexuality in the Nazi Party’. This disturbing book is an insane diatribe claiming that ‘homosexualism’ not only gave birth to Nazi imperialism but also led to the Holocaust itself. It’s crackpot theories stem from rumour, conjecture and fantasy and despite the fact that few take it seriously, it’s a best-seller in anti-gay circles…

“I have studied homosexual movement now for 17 years and with all responsibility state that currently Latvia a zone of intense confrontation between Christians and homosexuals,” said Lively.

“This nation will be our main battlefield against this counter Christian culture. God gave Kenneth Hutcherson and me to see that Alexei is the very man God placed to direct this battle, and church should support him in all respects. We are going to help you consistently and effectively to fight those who violate Christ’s rights and target his ministers for their insults.”

I’m not sure who “Alexei” is in the above quote. The piece doesn’t make it clear. But it sure sounds like the new White House “Special Envoy,” if he is indeed a special envoy, was keeping some rather inflammatory company while in Latvia.

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I thought the Nazi's killed homosexuals during the holocaust. Isn't that where the pink triangle comes from?

Posted by elswinger | March 19, 2007 1:50 PM

if this nutcase really is funded w/us dollars, it needs to be publicized as much as possible. anyone consorting with people who claim that homosexuality=nazis (so why were the homos gassed and shot by the nazis, then?) isn't going to have any credibility with the average american, even the homophobic ones. the repugs need to be embarrassed at every possible opportunity.

Posted by ellarosa | March 19, 2007 1:54 PM
This nation will be our main battlefield against this counter Christian culture.
Dude, if Latvia's your main battlefield against counter-Christian culture... you've already lost.
Posted by wench | March 19, 2007 2:05 PM

Yes the pink triangle was for homosexual men. Lesbians and feminists (same thing dontcha know) were the black triangle.

And the purple triangle was Jehovah's Witnesses, so for those folks who think a triangle is a gay symbol and purple is a gay color, and so draw purple triangles everywhere, I just wanted to let you know. Not the same.

Posted by Tiz | March 19, 2007 2:14 PM

I think the prayer warrior should MOVE to Latvia!

Posted by monkey | March 19, 2007 2:14 PM

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Latvians hate gays less than they love EU subsidies.

Posted by Gitai | March 19, 2007 2:26 PM

Apparently, Mr. Lively could use a little schooling in the English language.

Posted by keshmeshi | March 19, 2007 2:30 PM

When I was in high school (Abraham Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Iowa), my world history teacher (Mrs. Gepner) told us that most of the Nazi leadership was gay. I asked my dad (An actual WWII veteran, as opposed to some graduate of an undoubtedly third rate "teacher's college") about it, and he said she was full of shit.

But then again, most of my teachers were full of shit. Council Bluffs is no brain trust. They raised us to be good churchgoing businessfolks or farmers.

Posted by catalina vel-duray | March 19, 2007 5:54 PM

Uh they are not full of shit. The party was the ss or soemthing before Hitler and they were definatley responsible for extracating tension against the hews and against the German leader at the time. In the wings sat Hitler and his boys and one night after the Gay nazis did their deed and felt that Hitler loved them, exspecially their leader, I won't say
who you look it up and learn something,
they partied and nazi sucked nazi dick
caberet etcetera music played and then WHAMMO, Hitler and his top notch SS boys came in and slaughtered them all. And around Germany he took out Key German propagandists nazis(they were gay some of them) and if you look it up it is called Night of the Long Knives. History channel even did an espose on it. Gunter Grass speaks of it in the book. It is in Mein Kampf. History teachers are not all full of shit. History is not full of shit. And That book may be full of shit but the fact that their were gay Germans and Nazis who supported the holocaust because they were jacked up on Meth and Hate is not a lie. Evil is not so pretty. It comes even as your best friend don't forget that. Those fools did at that party, thinking Hitler was going to lead them to the promised land.

Posted by DreadLion | March 19, 2007 10:27 PM

Sorry I meant it was the Sa. No matter though they still helped Hitler spread his propaganda.

Some of the Nazis were of course gay themselves, but it is dangerously naive to believe the the Nazis ever "tolerated" homosexuality. An instructive illustration is provided by the case of Ernst Röhm, Head of the SA or storm-troopers.

Röhm's Brownshirt militia — mostly undisciplined soldiers and roughnecks from the city-slums — contained many gay men, and there was debauchery in the ranks. Röhm himself was careless of his reputation: for example, in 1925 he pressed charges against a 17- year-old hustler who had robbed him the "morning after." Hitler knew of Röhm's homosexuality at least by 1927, as well as that of others such as Edmund Heines, Karl Ernst, and La Paz, who owed their promotions to their "services" to Röhm. Heines would scour Germany picking up boys for his commander, and the clique met often in Munich for orgies.

But Hitler was not yet strong enough in his own right either to quash his rival (Röhm lead a 100,000-strong army) or to maintain power without his help. He wisely decided to come to Röhm's defence: "His private life cannot be an object of scrutiny unless it conflicts with basic principles of National Socialist ideology."

When Röhm's army grew to 500,000 men by 1932, Hitler saw a threat and decided that Röhm's private life did so conflict. Party Judge Walter Buch arranged for the assassination of the gay leaders of the SA: Röhm, Count Du Moulin, Eckhart, George Bell, Stabsführer Uhl. But the plot was discovered, Buch was denounced, and Röhm and Bell fled to their friend Major Karl Mayr to find out who was behind the conspiracy.

'The Night of the Long Knives'
In 1936, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer SS and head of the Gestapo, told the Germans: 'Just as we today have gone back to the ancient Germanic view on the question of marriage mixing different races, so too in our judgment of homosexuality – a symptom of degeneracy which could destroy our race – we must return to the guiding Nordic principle: extermination of degenerates.' But it had taken the Nazis some time to reach such a clear view against homosexuality.

Although the Nazi Party had always been officially anti-gay, in its early years many groups who opposed these Fascists lampooned them as homosexual. Hitler's 15-year friendship with the chief of staff of the SA (Sturmabteilung – storm troopers or 'Brown Shirts'), Ernst Röhm – who was publicly known to be gay after he appeared in court on homosexuality charges in 1925 – lent credence to this propaganda. Despite the gossip about his sexuality, Röhm was central to the Nazis' rise to power, transforming the Brown Shirts from a few embittered ex-soldiers in the early 1920s into the three-million-strong vehicle for Nazi terror that the storm troopers became in the early 1930s.

The Nazis' initial ambivalence towards gays evaporated quickly when, in 1934, Röhm and 300 others were charged with conspiring to overthrow Hitler, who ordered their execution without trial. Following this purge – the 'Night of the Long Knives' – Röhm's homosexuality was cited as another reason for his murder.

Just so no one forgets. While everyone was party party time and rubbing eachothers bodies, Hitler was sweepeing up a strom right under the
German peoples noses. And the sentiment rings true in our political world these days. The SA were bastards, and so was the SS who hated them. Gay or straight, I hate Nazis.

Posted by DreadLion | March 19, 2007 10:47 PM

And #4 to further elaborate about the pink triangles and its source of history.

Paragraph 175
With the SA chief out of the way, Nazi attacks on the gay community escalated rapidly, and in 1935, the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour was passed. This amended the existing Paragraph 175 of the Reich Penal Code:

An unnatural sex act committed between persons of male sex or by humans with animals is punishable by imprisonment; the loss of civil rights might also be imposed.

However, whereas previously the only punishable offence had been anal intercourse, the new Paragraph 175a ushered in 10 new possible 'acts' between men as crimes worthy of punishment, including kissing, embracing and having homosexual fantasies. Despite this, many anti-Nazis still attacked the Fascists as homosexual, and in revenge, the Nazis became increasingly vicious, later exporting their persecution of gays to the countries they occupied.

Diseased, not sub-human
Nazis did not refer to gays as Unter Menschen (sub-human) in the way they did Jews. Homosexuals were regarded as diseased and in need of treatment. As a result, thousands were subjected to torture, often ending in death, in an attempt to deter them from being gay. Nevertheless, the 'diseased' tag did not protect gays from incarceration.

When homosexuals first began arriving in prisons and concentration camps, they were marked out with 'Paragraph 175' written on their backs. As hundreds of inmates turned into thousands, this badge was changed to a pink triangle, in the same way that the label Juden ('Jew') was changed to a yellow Star of David. Pink triangles were also used for sex offenders such as paedophiles, further associating gays with 'perverts'.

Since Nazis regarded women as mere vessels for bearing children, lesbianism was never a major issue. Gay women were never attacked in the same way that gay men were persecuted. Homosexual men were seen as a threat to the state and likely to reduce the potential for waging war and purifying the Germanic race.

Posted by DreadLion | March 19, 2007 10:57 PM

thanks Sir DreadLion - I have worn a pin pink triangle ear piece for twenty years.

Read the play Bent.

Nazi oppression covered many facets of society - and is to be feared in the present American right wing, and the revival of fascism in Euro countries.

Posted by Grunfeld | March 20, 2007 5:17 AM

Yeah, yeah - everybody knows about the night of the long knives. But this cow - Mrs. Gepner - specifically said (without anyone asking) that gays were never persecuted under the Nazis, and that the top party leaders were gay up to the fall of the regime. That's the full of shit part, and that's what she was.

Posted by catalina vel-duray | March 20, 2007 7:27 AM

"Alexei" in the quote is doubtless Alexei Ledyaev, the Kazakhstan-born leader of a mostly Russophone Charismatic sect in Latvia called New Generation -- he attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. and is a big fan of President Bush.

You can find more info on "the Apostle," with video from his services (including speaking in tongues and a couple of politicians in attendance) at my blog.

Posted by Peteris Cedrins | March 21, 2007 10:36 PM

Eli Sanders wrote: "I’m not sure who “Alexei” is in the above quote."

It was Aleksejs (Alexei) Ledjajevs, pastor of the ‘New Generation’ church, in Latvia.

I included his full name in my report I did from Riga on commission for Alas, the guy who is by-lined "Stewart Who?" by, made a number of mistakes when re-writing my original article some three days later.

While the "anti-gay Pride" meeting in Riga earlier this month and attended by Ken Hutcherson got some coverage in the European press, it came as a sidebar to another meeting (at the same time) in Riga where the Prides of London and Riga signed a "cooperation agreement".

It appears that I was the only journalist who knew that Hutcherson is a former NFL "hitman" and last year orchestrated the campaign that led to Microsoft withdrawing its support for proposed Washington State gay equality legislation last year.

I was not at the "anti-gay pride" meeting, but go the quotes from a Russian journalist.

Posted by Eddie | March 23, 2007 1:37 PM

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