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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

All Props and Such to PORT

posted by on January 10 at 18:40 PM

In the last week, I’ve been drawn in at least three times to read all the way to the end of a very, very long post over at PORT, the spectacular blog on PDX art goings-on. Led by Jeff Jahn, whose review this afternoon on the new Storm Tharp show at PDX Contemporary is worth your full attention (and which contains links to every work in the show—oh, the instant gratification), PORT has a staff of several, and they do interviews, reviews, heads-ups, and wide-ranging op-eds. I’m jealous of PORT. Very, very jealous.

Before treating you to some Tharp pics (before this, I was lukewarm on the guy, and some of the works I see online from this show still strike me as twee, but man, several knock me out, and that’s more than I can say for any recent painting/drawing show in Seattle), let me note the other PORT spot you must click on: the 2006 curatorial roundup.

And now for your art treat. (For more from the show, called We Appeal to Heaven, click here.)

Storm Tharp, Einstein (2006)

Storm Tharp, Rare Bird (2006)

Storm Tharp, Jerimiah Puckett (2006)

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ugh. this art is shit. you like this????

Posted by n | January 10, 2007 9:02 PM

I'll take the comedy-tragedy graphic just a short scroll down from this ugh.

Posted by Deacon Seattle | January 10, 2007 9:54 PM

agreed, this "art" is total shit. which is why it's not at all shocking that it's being embraced by the "art world." art is dead, weep at its grave.

Posted by jameyb | January 11, 2007 10:30 AM

Um, I like it. Am I going to get murdered by you jerks?

The third one is particularly amazing.

Posted by Everyone is a turd | January 11, 2007 10:58 AM

Is this guy in high school? Will he do my Camaro?

Posted by DOUG. | January 11, 2007 2:57 PM

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