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Monday, November 10, 2008

The Morning News

posted by on November 10 at 7:00 AM

The White House visit: Barack and Michelle visit George and Laura today.

Post-election secret: Only a few more months of these (at least under Bush).

First order of business on Jan. 20: Reversing up to 200 executive orders.

Credit where it’s demanded: Victory has a thousand fathers.

What next for Obama’s online army? Lots of ideas.

Got a few hours? Seven chapter Newsweek report reconstructs the campaign, with lots of new and interesting details.

Got another hour? Ryan Lizza on how Obama won.

Octopus expressway: And other wonders of the underwater census.

And in the interest of ecumenical annoyances:

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First item.

I am sure Obama with 3 million donors has about 10 million or more e mail addresses. Maybe lots more.

I am sure he can't just switch those over to the white house.

I would think that if the white house asks people if they want to be on his personal e mail list, um, there would be like 45 million people who would say yes.

I would think Pres. Obama would use this effectively for weekly video streaming to directly contact the people with no media filter, with no postage cost to cpeak of, and thus could revolutionize the connection between the prez and the people.

I would think whenver he needs a vote in Congress he could talk about it and these millions of people would include thousands in the districts of the recalcitrant congresspersons -- Reichert, I'm talkin' bout you -- ensuring they are absolutely deluged with e mail and a total shitstorm if they don't vote for Pres. obama's proposal.

I am sure that with his army of supporters Pres. Obama could bring air force one to any congresional district and make a difference in booting otu the ones who don't vote with him in the 2010 elections.

MEanwhile I must say Slog is underreporting the real news. There was barely a ripple on Emanuel, the guy who was for free trade, welfare reform etc. and someone told me the architect of the Democratic victories in Congress that led to all those Democrats being totally too frightened to actually do anything about the war.

Not sure where I stand on Emanuel but certainly am not getting the most interesting facts from Slog.

Heard nothing really about Podesta, too.

Here's a sample of what's not reported today -- USA Today-:

WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama says moneyed interests won't have an inside track in his White House, but six of the 15 people he named to his transition team are top fundraisers.
They include Julius Genachowski, a former technology and news media executive and an Obama classmate at Harvard Law who raised more than $500,000 for the campaign, and Federico Peña, a two-time Cabinet secretary in the Clinton administration who is a managing partner in a global investment firm. He collected more than $50,000.
Campaign watchdog experts, such as Craig Holman of Public Citizen, say the close involvement of these big fundraisers — known as bundlers because they collect money from friends, family and business associates — could give them undue sway in the new administration. "The whole point of these bundlers bringing in so much money is that they get to exercise influence in the next administration," Holman said. Obama's pledge to clean up Washington "is encouraging," Holman said. "But this is a warning sign."

Obama spokesman Dan Pfeiffer said transition members "were chosen based on their skills, ability and expertise."




Posted by PC | November 10, 2008 7:30 AM

PC, please follow that link and help us.

Unity, right? :)

Posted by Original Monique | November 10, 2008 8:28 AM

I disagree with Ryan Lizza. Until I stopped reading, he'd apparently come up with a facile idea or two, half wrong, and then jumped around in time providing "evidence."

Posted by Amelia | November 10, 2008 8:38 AM
Posted by sepiolida | November 10, 2008 9:15 AM

PC - Dude, remember when Obama said he's going to surround himself with people who don't necessarily agree with him, or with each other? That's what that looks like.

Posted by David | November 10, 2008 9:56 AM

I would love to be a fly on the wall at the Obamas' White House visit. Can you imagine Bush leading them around on a tour?

Posted by Darcy | November 10, 2008 10:39 AM

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