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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Odegaard - UW campus

posted by on November 4 at 15:56 PM

S.E.C.B. is in Odegaard. The University of Washington’s undergraduate library is, lets put it this way…not a maelstrom of political activity. In fact, the entire campus feels a bit subdued today. Red Square is empty except for a large amount of wet leaves, a few students and a collection of flowers marking the spot where a man burned himself to death last week.

A hologram is conversing with Wolf Blitzer on CNN. S.E.C.B. had no idea that the black arts were so widely known. There is little reaction in Room 220, a darkened meeting room in Odegaard reserved for politically attentive students who don’t have television at home but still want to watch CNN.

Kyle, a Sociology and Political Science undergraduate, has a giant sea turtle on his computer. He is sitting by himself, separate from a small circle of students huddled in the middle of the room, quietly watching the huge projection screen.

“I don’t think I’ll stay all night,” Kyle says, somehow disciplined enough to not cut completely loose at this VIP event. “I ended up voting for Obama. I thought about McCain because I used to identify with Republicans. At this point in time I just thought that Obama was the right choice in this election.”

Local politics?

“I voted for Dino; I’m a Dinocrat,” Kyle chuckles. “I’m worried about the state budget. Gregoire’s positions on crime worried me.” When pressed on what these positions were, Kyle said, “a lot of her attacks on Rossi have been unfair.”

We completely blame The Daily’s credulous endorsement of Dino Rossi for the obvious schism in Kyle’s voting choices.

A cart laden with bottled water and snacks has just been wheeled into Room 220. Let the party begin.

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"A hologram is conversing with Wolf Blitzer on CNN."

THIS IS WHY I READ SLOG. I saw that on TV and thought ooooo mmmm gggggg.


Posted by Non | November 4, 2008 4:34 PM

There was a good-sized cell-phone-bank in Suzzallo cafe. The campus was subdued because we were all out knocking on doors and getting shit done!

Posted by juris | November 4, 2008 5:10 PM

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