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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Every Child Deserves a Mother and a Father

posted by on May 15 at 11:31 AM

No, this isn’t another depressing “Every Child Deserves…” post. I try to limit those posts to no more than one a week, despite the numerous examples of spectacularly bad opposite-sex parenting that I run across, or alert readers bring to my attention, every damn week. I just wanted to make sure that readers who bitch endlessly about my “Every Child Deserves…” posts catch this quote at the bottom the CNN piece about the decision in California.

Groups saying they were promoting a pro-family agenda had vowed to fight a statewide law allowing same-sex marriage.

The government should promote and encourage strong families,” said Glen Lavy of the Alliance Defense Fund. “The voters realize that defining marriage as one man and one woman is important because the government should not, by design, deny a child both a mother and father.”

Gay families can’t be strong families—and our children don’t deserve the protections of marriage—because every child deserves a mother and a father.


Says Slog tipper Rebecca…

I really can’t bear to read the “Every Child Deserves…” items anymore but I think this shows why it’s good on you to keep running ‘em.

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OMG!! They were super soft and moist and the icing was wet and fresh. No doubt someone at Starbucks screwed up this morning but get them now!!!!

Back to your regularly scheduled SLOG..

Posted by Cato the Younger Younger | May 15, 2008 11:41 AM

“The voters realize that defining marriage as one man and one woman is important because the government should not, by design, deny a child both a mother and father.”

I wonder if the Alliance Defense Fund is actively fighting the FLDS wacos in Texas with their one husband 12 wives situation?

Posted by Fly-Over Illinois | May 15, 2008 11:47 AM

Do they really think that not having legal marriage keeps gays from having kids? All it does is make the kids' family situation more legally tenuous, which is, you know, not good for the kids.

Posted by julia | May 15, 2008 12:58 PM

Sounds like Lavy's saying that if the gays get married, their children will have neither mothers nor fathers. Now that's logical...

Posted by Molly | May 15, 2008 1:22 PM

You're such a tired, boring broken record.

Posted by Burgin99 | May 15, 2008 2:17 PM

"You're such a tired, boring broken record."

...that you not only read, but take the time to comment on. Got it.

Posted by whatevernevermind | May 15, 2008 3:05 PM

So, what's the conclusion here? That as long as one right wing christian nutgroup keeps raising the issue you're going to keep riding off into the battle on your white steed with probably an average length lance pointing straight ahead? That your WORK ISN'T DONE HERE? NOT BY A LONG SHOT!

As always, you miss the point. Let me tell you again and I'll type slowly: Yes, same sex parenting is OK. If they are both healthy and well adjusted and for instance would never use horrific brutal trauma events about a child to invoke sick humor and endless vicarious traumatization and the continued depersonalization of babies with skin peeling off their baby bodies because some sick fuck dumped battery acid on them, well then parents like that regardless of sexuality should have the opportunity and full support and blessing of their community to raise kids. Yes, it can be good! Yes, find some new ways to make your point not at the ER gurney side of some poor child whose been raped by a parent.

Time to be a grownup on this.

Posted by Bob | May 15, 2008 5:52 PM

And let me add that my criteria of health and adjustment applies to parents of ANY configuration of gender and sexuality.

Posted by Bob | May 15, 2008 5:55 PM

The issue Bob, is that it's more than just one right wing christian nutjob - it's an entire army of them.

And yes, through their actions, they are most definitely implying that these freakstar opposite sex parents are more worthy of having and raising children because every child deserves a mother and a father.

No idiot, you're the one who doesn't get it.

Posted by Donolectic | May 16, 2008 1:01 AM

Dan, I don't think these "every child" posts are an effective counter to the right-wing position. Just because there are instances of hetero couples doing horrendous jobs of parenting, does not refute the assertion that every child deserves a mother and father. It does not even address it. You should instead find out why they think what they do, and then shoot those half-brained ideas out of the water. And if child abuse and neglect is one of the reasons they think children should have a mother and father, you can only really refute that with statistical data. Single instances prove nothing, and only serve to disturb and morbidly fascinate your already left-leaning readers.

Posted by ams | May 16, 2008 5:09 AM

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