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Friday, April 11, 2008

It May Be More Environmentally Friendly…

posted by on April 11 at 10:20 AM

…but getting hit by a bike must suck almost as bad as getting hit by a car.

From Hot Tipper Jno (that is not a typo):

During yesterday’s downtown rush hour, I was traveling south on 5th when I came to a red light at Pike. Waiting for my light to change, I entertained myself by watching the people on the sidewalks, and my eye was caught by a bicycle quickly traveling east up Pike. It seemed like the rider was rushing to make the intersection before his light turned yellow, and the next thing I knew, I saw the rider sail 10 feet through the air, sans bike, and come to a gasp-inducing skid in the middle of the street. He jumped to his feet (unbelievably), and turned to look at what he had hit: a pedestrian, dressed in a suit, who was now spread-eagle half in the street, half on the sidewalk. People began running from all directions to help, and even though my car windows were rolled up, I could hear the anguished cries of what I imagined was either the rider or the hit pedestrian. My light changed, and I had to start driving with my hand still over my mouth in shock, which I noticed was the same pose most people in the vicinity were holding. I called 911, and much to my relief, the EMS had already been alerted.

Holy crap. Did anyone else see this go down?

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No I did not see it but the biker is a fucking prick.

Posted by Cato the Younger Younger | April 11, 2008 10:22 AM

Agreed, @1. I hope he has the world's worst case of road rash this morning.

Posted by Elvis | April 11, 2008 10:26 AM

And that is my problem with bikes. Almost all of them follow the rules, but the few pricks out there who don't fuck things up for everyone. I expect all bikes to run stop signs, cut me off, and behave badly.

Posted by Andrew | April 11, 2008 10:26 AM

I walk from up on the Hill to downtown to work every morning (usually on Pike). And, I swear to god, when the light changes and I have the walk-sign, I have to hesitate for a moment to make sure there are no cyclists running the red. They're watching for cars, but not for people. Look out, fellow pedestrians!

Posted by Hiro | April 11, 2008 10:26 AM

i would hold off judgment until the following things are discerned:

1. was the light yellow/red when the cyclist was passing through the intersection?
2. was the pedestrian jumping the gun and crossing when the light was yellow?

if we have a yes to #1 then the cyclist is certainly an asshat and deserves that awesome road rash. if we have yes to #2 that asshat pedestrian was lucky it wasn't a car. traffic is a system, systems have rules, and if the rules aren't followed the system breaks down and people get hurt. either way i hope that taught both of them to pay better attention and be a bit more conservative when traffic is involved.

Posted by srsly | April 11, 2008 10:30 AM

I was there. The cyclist was cited for violation of RCW 46.90.565, "Failure to notice the moonwalking bear."

Posted by nbc | April 11, 2008 10:31 AM

Well, from the description given, the cyclist WASN'T running a red light. The dipshit ped was jaywalking without looking. Hybrid cars and bicycles are good reasons to look BOTH ways before you dart out into the road, just like your momma taught ya.

Posted by flash gordon | April 11, 2008 10:31 AM

I have almost been hit by bikers a number of times. Oddly enough, the last time I posted something in the comments about a specific incident, a lot of people seemed to think that it must have been my fault because if I couldn't see a fast moving bike I must not have been paying attention.
I hope the guy who got hit is okay.

Posted by Bella | April 11, 2008 10:32 AM

OK, a gazillion bikers are gonna read this, so would one of you please explain to me why the law somehow shouldn't apply to you?

Posted by Fifty-Two-Eighty | April 11, 2008 10:33 AM

Was it a hipster on fixster? If so he's lucky that pedesterian wasn't a dumptruck.

Posted by Jeff | April 11, 2008 10:33 AM

The biker should be killed.

Posted by Mr. Poe | April 11, 2008 10:36 AM

@9: Yes, laws should apply to cyclists, but it sounds like the pedestrian was jaywalking. Cluelessly.

Posted by DOUG. | April 11, 2008 10:36 AM

People LOVE to bitch about cyclists running red lights but I almost never hear anyone gripe about pedestrians jay-walking, which is way more common and just as dangerous.

Posted by twee | April 11, 2008 10:38 AM

@5 There's no need to discern anything; if the pedestrian was on the street, the cyclist has the responsibility to ensure he/she can stop in time, the same as any auto on the road. Regardless of the asshat-status of the pedestrian, the cyclist is an asshat for unsafe operation of their transportation. The fact that he sailed through the air after hitting a person means he was going too fast for conditions.

Posted by Banna | April 11, 2008 10:39 AM

I heard the biker was a pitbull-owning vegan as well. Discuss.

Posted by Levislade | April 11, 2008 10:41 AM

it was a pit bull on a fixie! and it wasn't wearing a helmet!

Posted by josh bomb | April 11, 2008 10:42 AM

I wasn't referring to this incident in particular - yes, there's insufficient information here to know who was at fault. I meant the tons of bikers I see every day who seem to think that red lights and stop signs are "suggestions."

Posted by Fifty-Two-Eighty | April 11, 2008 10:43 AM

And Banna is right - if you hit a pedestrian, even if he's an asshat, you're still legally in the wrong.

Posted by Fifty-Two-Eighty | April 11, 2008 10:47 AM


Tell that to every driver on the road. It'll be a revelation to them.

Posted by keshmeshi | April 11, 2008 10:48 AM

@5 we have to make judgments as we do all the time without waiting for a trial, etc.

Even if the ped was illegally crossing or "jumping the gun" any vehicle inc. car or bike has a duty to not hit a ped.

"traffic is a system, systems have rules, and if the rules aren't followed the system breaks down and people get hurt"
but hey one of the rules of the road is everyone has to have due care and not hit other folks EVEN IF the other folk is jaywalking, running red lihgt, etc.

This is why trials cost so much.

At a depeer level a better system would avoid all this intense fact inquiry and fairness and simply roesume a movign vehicle hitting a ped is the vehicles fault and suspend their license.

Why then all the vehicle operators would be more careful.

Also a good system would say put a damn license on that bike so the cyclist couldn't jump back on his bike and run away -- at least a witness would have a chance to take down his license tag.

But oh no, cyclists are green, so to have them pay $25 a year and get a tag is fascist, etc. etc.

These types of solutions would work, so we'll never enact them.

Oh btw -- yes if we are jurors in a trial we should withhold judgment but as citizens we can make judgments whenever we like even without normalized blind studies, regression analysis, peer review, the right to cross examine, etc.

Posted by unPC | April 11, 2008 10:49 AM

If EVERYONE (people, bikes, & cars) followed the rules no one would get hurt.

The world is full of asshats with all modes of transportation.

Posted by monkey | April 11, 2008 10:50 AM

@14 & @18: You're both wrong.

SMC 11.40.060

Prohibited crossing.

No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and move into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is
impossible for the driver to stop.

Posted by DOUG. | April 11, 2008 10:51 AM

+1 yeah, 14 and 18, give me a break. you cannot step in front of a moving vehicle. that's one of the stupidest things i've heard in the rush to demonize cyclists.

while everyone has their own biases in this situation, certainly plenty of peds jaywalk. and, walking or driving, it is more difficult to see a bicycle (or motorcyle) than an oncoming car.

Posted by infrequent | April 11, 2008 11:01 AM

There was a high-profile case in the UK last year where a bicyclist was racing down a sidewalk on a hilly street, plowed into a pedestrian and killed him.

While most bicyclists are respectful, there is a handful who have utter disregard for pedestrians while whining about the disregard that motorists have for them.

Posted by Gabriel | April 11, 2008 11:07 AM

NYC: I was jaywalking with many others. "I'M NOT STOPPING! I HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY!" shouted the careening unseen bicyclist, as he narrowly missed like 6 of us. Pride and potential injury. But the pedestrians were able to dodge out of the way - that is the difference between NYC and Seattle.

Posted by snaggle | April 11, 2008 11:09 AM


I never said that the pedestrian wasn't wrong, perhaps he was. But a bicyclist that flies through the air after hitting the pedestrian was going too fast for the road conditions.

Posted by banna | April 11, 2008 11:11 AM

The collision probably would never have happened if the bicycle had been using an audible warning device like a playing card in its spokes.

Posted by Creek | April 11, 2008 11:15 AM

I know I'm guilty about not paying attention sometimes when crossing streets.

We all need to start paying more attention to our surroundings. There are too many morons out there, including me.

Posted by Will | April 11, 2008 11:17 AM

I'm glad someone made the point about the fact that if a vehicle hits a jaywalker, it isn't always the vehicles fault. People jaywalk all the time on the main street I live near (there isn't a light to cross at for 4-5 blocks) -- and there happens to be alot of bars in the area. So, I can't count the number of times I've been driving and nearly hit some drunk fool because they darted out right in front of me...

Posted by Julie | April 11, 2008 11:31 AM

If you can't demonize cyclists, pedestrians, vegans, pitbulls and their owners, rightwingnuts, the mayor, Clay Bennett/OKC, the religious establishment, or HRC/Obamatons, who can you demonize?

Posted by Spoogie | April 11, 2008 11:34 AM

Law requires that bicycles have an audible warning device. In the old days, that meant a bell on the handlebars. Now, the rider's voice is interpreted to meet the law. Except nine times out of 10, they don't use it.

Posted by Perfect Voter | April 11, 2008 11:35 AM

Fuck the biker. I hope he gets his as sued.

Why hasn't ECB chimed in with her predictable bullshit?

Posted by ecce homo | April 11, 2008 11:46 AM

@28 - you have to choose a different nick, like the other eight Wills on here ... it's too confusing.

I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often in the U Dist - most people here jaywalk without even looking at traffic.

Posted by Will in Seattle | April 11, 2008 11:49 AM

Memo to EVERYONE, whether in, on, or sans vehicle:


Thank you.

Posted by egid | April 11, 2008 12:09 PM

I'm so sorry two people were hurt in this incident. Why is everyone so fucking in a hurry? Holy crap people SLOW DOWN way Down. Americans are THE most drugged up folks on the planet, both the Biker guy and the Jay walker guy were high on Speed (ie I'm in a hurry can't you see that?).

Posted by Sargon Bighorn | April 11, 2008 12:10 PM

A girlfriend of mine got run down by a cyclist in Cambridge, Mass and broke her arm. Cyclists treat peds the way cars treat cyclists -- poop runs downhill.

Posted by ride defensively | April 11, 2008 12:10 PM

And for all you victim-blamers, sounds like the suit-wearer was merely standing off the curb when the high speed vehicle crashed into him.

Posted by ride defensively | April 11, 2008 12:13 PM

I hope that biker gets smooshed by a giant falling Spaceneedle, or something.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | April 11, 2008 12:15 PM

Pedestrians are so annoying. Oh! look at me I can take up an entire sidewalk without noticing a thing! Hold on a sec while I stand here with 12 of my friends and talk a bit. It's my right as a pedestrian! I have the right to act like there isn't another human soul for 12 miles!

Posted by mattro2.0 | April 11, 2008 12:17 PM

Don't get crazy, people. Sounds like the biker was trying to beat the YELLOW. So he accelerated to maybe the speed of a car? It's a really good idea when approaching a crosswalk on a bike to let everyone know you are coming. To assume someone won't dart out is foolish. But getting hit by a bike, 99,000 times out of 99,001, doesn't come close to doing to you what a car can. That doesn't diminish the shittiness of getting hit badly by a bike. But I've been hit square on by a cyclist in nearly the same situation (my fault SORT of - I was on the sidewalk). I got a pretty bad bruise on my hip, but the other dude flew through the air. Hope everybody is OK.

Posted by Grant Cogswell | April 11, 2008 12:18 PM

@36 Actually no. This discussion makes it pretty clear that cyclists aren't killing pedestrians by the roomful every year in King Co. Like, oh say, drivers are:

Sure, some cyclists are jerks. But car driving jerks are

a) far, far, more common

b) far, far, more deadly

Cyclists are a minority who as a whole make you richer and healthier. (They lower your health insurance, clean up your air, and lower your gas prices.)

So hate the jerks of all sorts, sure. But keep it in context...

Posted by bakfiets | April 11, 2008 12:24 PM

From personal experience, you don't have to be going fast to fly off if stopped suddenly.

Posted by Ruby | April 11, 2008 12:34 PM

@mattro2.0 - That's why cyclists should stay off the sidewalk and get on the streets, where they belong. Then it wouldn't matter how many pedestrians stop to chat on the sidewalk.

Posted by Banna | April 11, 2008 12:57 PM

As an occasional biker I have nearly hit peds on a number of occasions, when they jaywalk. As an occasional ped, I have never nearly been hit by a bike.

I think peds aren't used to bikes - a bike moving as fast as a car doesn't seem like it, and people decide to jaywalk without realizing they're going to get run over.

Should a biker be forced to yell at every intersection? Do cars honk at every intersection?

As it's described, I'm with the biker on this occasion.

Posted by STJA | April 11, 2008 12:58 PM


If you can't demonize cyclists, pedestrians, vegans, pitbulls and their owners, rightwingnuts, the mayor, Clay Bennett/OKC, the religious establishment, or HRC/Obamatons, who can you demonize?

"Whom." Whom can one demonize? One can demonize another who uses poor grammar.

Posted by Will in 98103 | April 11, 2008 1:14 PM

Banna-- I was speaking as a bicyclist AND as a pedestrian. However, bicycles will continue to be on sidewalks as long as they actually have to stop and park somewhere. My point is that pedestrians/cars/bicyclists need to remain aware that others are around them and that their actions effect others. Pedestrians often believe that they have ultimate entitlement of sidewalks and roads. Even an ambulance responding to a scene stops at a red light.

Posted by mattro2.0 | April 11, 2008 1:16 PM

banna - first you were just plain wrong when you said @14 that between a ped and cyclist the cyclist is always at fault. and you have no clue if the cyclist was going too fast.

then, @26 you deny it but still insist that flying over the handlebars means you must be going too fast. this even though flying over the handlebars could easily happen at slow speeds, and even though the bike was likely not exceeding the speed limit.

and now, @43, you are mad that bikes go on sidewalks -- even though it is legal.

so, you want bikes to be on the street, but not to drive fast, and to be liable if they hit anyone who steps out in front of them.

please just give it up. you are obviously biased against cyclists.

Posted by infrequent | April 11, 2008 1:17 PM

I bike, drive, walk and bus. And I agree that everyone needs to pay more attention to what's happening around them.
Drivers talk on their cell phones, listen to the radio, talk to their passengers. Almost every person walking around is either listening to their iPod or talking on their phone. Not to say that bikers are blameless or perfect, but not many of them are listening to music or talking on the phone (plus bikes generally have a better sense of their surroundings than those driving a car).

So what we need to do is start taxing iPods and cell phones - then everyone will be more aware. Then we can build The Monorail.

Posted by hairyson | April 11, 2008 1:24 PM

As someone who was knocked out by a cyclist in NYC recently (the cyclist apparently took off after hitting me - I woke up in the hospital) screw cyclists. The guy that got hit should sue the piss out of this guy. Though he rides a bike so he probably has nothing.

Posted by hate'm | April 11, 2008 2:03 PM

At least the pedestrian wasn't instantly killed the way the guy who just walked across I-5 was today.

Posted by Will in Seattle | April 11, 2008 2:13 PM

@48 right on, that's hilarious.

@49. whatever. he can sue, but if the ped was in the wrong, he's not going to get much. in fact, if that is the case, the cyclist should sue the guy. i mean, the cyclist should sue the piss out of this guy.

it never ceases to amaze me that you have one bad experience with a cyclist -- that you may have exaggerated or made up altogether -- and suddenly every cyclist is evil. what's with that reasoning?

i was rear-ended by a minivan who was completely at fault. so what now? screw all minivans drivers? i was hit by a camero. screw all camero drivers? well, maybe that's one we can get behind...

Posted by infrequent | April 11, 2008 2:24 PM

The bike should be boiled and fed to its owner.

Posted by w7ngman | April 11, 2008 2:25 PM

SLOG guest host @22 for the win.

Posted by Anon | April 11, 2008 2:28 PM

I was one of the bystanders that helped this woman yesterday and called 911.

Except for a cut lip, she was fine, just very shaken up, as anyone would be. After a couple of minutes she went from nauseous, slightly incoherent, and panicked to sitting up under her own power. By the time the paramedics arrived she was back to coherent. She didn't have a concussion, didn't have to go to the hospital. The police allowed the cyclist to leave, as they determined he wasn't at fault, and the woman continued on her way home.

It should also be noted that she was crossing against the light (which we've all done) and was on her way home, probably with other things on her mind, as we all have done from time to time. She wasn't on a cell phone.

In conclusion, I know these posts are always sounding boards for speculation on who's at fault, who should have known better, and your own axes to grind, but everyone involved, from the other bystanders, to the police, to the cyclist, to the security guards and doorman, all behaved like concerned, compassionate, and responsible people helping someone in need after an accident that could have happened to anyone.

p.s. She didn't have any cell phone when she was crossing the street. Are people not allowed to be distracted by a day at work anymore?

Posted by Paul | April 11, 2008 2:36 PM

I was one of the bystanders that helped this woman yesterday and called 911.

Except for a cut lip, she was fine, just very shaken up, as anyone would be. After a couple of minutes she went from nauseous, slightly incoherent, and panicked to sitting up under her own power. By the time the paramedics arrived she was back to coherent. She didn't have a concussion, didn't have to go to the hospital. The police allowed the cyclist to leave, as they determined he wasn't at fault, and the woman continued on her way home.

It should also be noted that she was crossing against the light (which we've all done) and was on her way home, probably with other things on her mind, as we all have done from time to time. She wasn't on a cell phone.

In conclusion, I know these posts are always sounding boards for speculation on who's at fault, who should have known better, and your own axes to grind, but everyone involved, from the other bystanders, to the police, to the cyclist, to the security guards and doorman, all behaved like concerned, compassionate, and responsible people helping someone in need after an accident that could have happened to anyone.

p.s. She didn't have any cell phone when she was crossing the street. Are people not allowed to be distracted by a day at work anymore?

Posted by Paul | April 11, 2008 2:37 PM

I guess my bike doesn't make enough noise to scare most jaywalkers. I can't tell you how many times someone has jumped out of a luxury SUV at mid block right in front of me.

I sure don't want to hit any of these numbskulls and I'm sure they don't wanna be hit cuz clearly it's gonna hurt... both of us.

And, finally, if the walk signal turned and the cyclist ran the red - screw him/her for makaing the rest of us who ride every day look like dicks. That ped will never forget and may never forgive. Every time that suit see's me, he's gonna think of you - so don't ride like a dick.

Posted by Doctor D | April 11, 2008 3:19 PM

as was just posted, right before your post but there for an hour, the bike did not run a red. the ped stepped out in front prematurely.

Posted by infrequent | April 11, 2008 3:43 PM

Please take care to not hit pedestrians in fast moving vehicles. It hurts them.

Posted by six shooter | April 11, 2008 4:17 PM

Downtown Seattle needs bike lanes. That is all.

Posted by it's ME | April 11, 2008 5:37 PM

I've been hit crossing 8th on Pine (across from the Paramount). Dumbass messenger decided to thread through a crowded crosswalk (His light was waaay red) and I was just blindsided by the guy. I was lucky I wasn't hurt, and got up and asked if he was OK, and the fucker wouldn't even make eye contact, just looked away from me and acted like he hit a pothole or something. Turned out he put a huge dent in my laptop. Had he performed his legal responsibility (and not performed a earth-friendly hit-and-run) damn sure I would have held him liable.

Posted by Mac J | April 11, 2008 9:12 PM

I've been hit crossing 8th on Pine (across from the Paramount). Dumbass messenger decided to thread through a crowded crosswalk (His light was waaay red) and I was just blindsided by the guy. I was lucky I wasn't hurt, and got up and asked if he was OK, and the fucker wouldn't even make eye contact, just looked away from me and acted like he hit a pothole or something, and rode away. I was too stunned to try to stop him. Turned out he put a huge dent in my laptop. Had he performed his legal responsibility (and not performed a earth-friendly hit-and-run) damn sure I would have held him liable.

Posted by Mac J | April 11, 2008 9:12 PM

You are allowed to be distracted while crossing the street as long as 2 tons of steel or in this case 200lbs of biker is allowed to cover the pavement with your blood. You yourself are ultimately responsible for your own safety at all times.

On a lighter note, maybe we should have all pedestrians wear helmets while crossing roads.

Posted by robot2501 | April 11, 2008 10:55 PM

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