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Friday, December 14, 2007

Nickels Sentenced

posted by on December 14 at 15:11 PM

From the Seattle Times:

Jacob Nickels, the son of Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, was sentenced to three months in prison this morning for his role in a multistate casino-cheating ring that authorities say stole millions of dollars by bribing casino employees to falsely shuffle decks.

Nickels, 26, was also sentenced to three months of home confinement and ordered to pay $90,510 in restitution to the Nooksack River Tribal Casino, where he worked.

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BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! It always warms my heart when some sucker goes to prison. WOOT!

Posted by Mr. Poe | December 14, 2007 3:28 PM

Best wishes to the Nickels family before all of the mean-spirited, snide comments begin from the Mayor haters.

You might temper your comments when you have kids yourself someday--or you might remember stupid things you did that hurt your own parents. They are good and loving parents no matter what you think of the Mayor's politics.

Posted by tiptoe tommy | December 14, 2007 3:31 PM

The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.

Posted by CJB | December 14, 2007 3:32 PM

uh, tiptoe....I never stole millions of dollars. Yeah, the Nickels are good parents.

Posted by CJB | December 14, 2007 3:35 PM

I heard he stuck a ball bearing in his papa's crack.

Posted by DOUG. | December 14, 2007 3:43 PM

Yes, tiptoe. Let's all cut off our cocks and cry about this for an hour.

Posted by Mr. Poe | December 14, 2007 3:44 PM

Every parent is good. Every parent's child is good. It's just these darn misunderstandings that get in the way!

Posted by laterite | December 14, 2007 3:46 PM

Dan, I've notices type-o's lately. I'm disappointed.

Posted by Richard | December 14, 2007 3:54 PM

Isn't there a naked pix of the guy to go with this? Word is he is well hung.

Gawd, how boring. No news Slogging.

zzzzzzzzzzz and ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Ah, forgot, must blame someone for scalping casinos? How silly of me.

Dan is a sexual conservative and favors law and order when it come to gambling empires. Whoopie the mainstream.

Posted by Larkin | December 14, 2007 6:02 PM

He robbed a Casino? Good for him. That's like the best thing to rob ever. He should be given a medal. Daddy says, 'Son, you need to find ways to rob people legally. That way you don't have to do jail time when you get caught.'

Posted by toasterhedgehog | December 14, 2007 8:26 PM

And of course the old Nevada mafia like casino folk are so pure and fun loving ... and have NEVER robbed anyone

This crime is like fucking a whore for love....

Or feeding the hungry the same food you eat....

Or making sure your sex partner comes first....

Merry CHRISTmas

AND just try to beat the HOUSE

Posted by Marty | December 14, 2007 9:43 PM

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