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Monday, October 1, 2007

Parting Shot

posted by on October 1 at 13:05 PM

A photo of Randy Quaid’s codpiece which, allegedly, was one of the articles of war between Quaid and the NY producers who cancelled Lone Star Love’s Broadway run.


Randy stopped showing up to work at the 5th Avenue about a week ago and let his understudy take over. But did said understudy have to wear Quaid’s briefs? Perish the thought.

Also allegedly: 5th Avenue director David Armstrong got up before yesterday’s closing performance and gave a ballsy curtain speech to the effect: Usually in the pre-show process we learn about changes that need to be made to the script, score, and staging. This time we learned that we needed a different star.

(More on Quaids behaving badly here.)

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This time we learned that we needed a different star.


Posted by brappy | October 1, 2007 1:14 PM

I work in the Skinner Building (home of the 5th Avenue Theater) and I sometimes see David Armstrong bopping in and out. This morning he seemed just a little more jaunty than usual.

Posted by QuimbyMcF | October 1, 2007 1:18 PM

From the NYT article (Evi is Randy's wife/manager, an explosive combination of powers if there ever was one):

"Everybody's afraid of Evi," says a source, adding that the stage manager, after several angry calls, changed her name on his cellphone to "Do Not Answer."

"What are they afraid of?" Evi responds. "Having a competent person on this show is very disturbing to them, I guess."

You know, competent people generally don't have to point out how competent they are. And people generally aren't scared of them.

Posted by ls | October 1, 2007 1:27 PM

So, does this mean my dream of seeing "Kingpin: The Musical!" is forever crushed?

Posted by COMTE | October 1, 2007 2:44 PM

It seems like we're the test bed for a lot of plays and operas lately. Is this just an errant impression, or are we the guinea pigs of the theatrical world?

Posted by Gitai | October 1, 2007 2:49 PM

Wow...a codpiece?

Was that a prop? Was it a time period thing?

I'm sorry, do men actually wear these?

Posted by Lake | October 1, 2007 5:20 PM


We're definitely a test-bed. After the phenomenal success of "Hairspray!", the producers simply gushed over the "sophistication" of Seattle theatre audiences. Since then, a number of shows have done their out-of-town tryouts here: "The Wedding Singer", "Princeses", "Young Frankenstein" and "Lone Star" (one could, by stretching, include "Light In The Piazza" in that list as well).

Almost all of the shows that actually made it to Broadway from Seattle (the execrable "Princeses" thankfully was canned before doing so) were extensively re-worked based on audience feedback, and so we've developed what is probably a well-deserved reputation for having a rather discriminating, knowledgeable musical theatre audience here.

Posted by COMTE | October 1, 2007 7:00 PM

He wore the codpiece under his jeans, thus giving him a huge bulge. I assume it was also for protective purposes - giventhe nature of the show, he probably got whacked in the crotch several times.

Posted by Jon | October 6, 2007 8:09 PM

I saw a recent (naked) pic of Quaid from the Last Picture Show and believe me, he could have cut the codpiece in half and still had room to spare

Posted by moif | October 8, 2007 6:15 AM

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