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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Today on Line Out.

posted by on April 18 at 15:15 PM

But It’s Not Your Fault: The Divorce Don’t Love Each Other Anymore.

New Lineup on the Block: Girl Talk, Aesop Rock to Play Capitol Hill Block Party.

Animal Musk: Trent Moorman on Trans Am, Tour.

Free Ride: Win Tickets to Trans Am.

It’s Only Diazepam: The Rolling Stones and Horse Tranquilizers.

Good Medicine: Megan Seling on Last Night’s Ted Leo Show.

Click on My Selector: Music Programs You Can Play at Work.

Steamy, Sexy, Slightly Gay Disco: Terry Miller on Theo Vaness.

An Amicable Divorce: It’s Nobody’s Fault, and The Divorce Still Love Each Other.

And now, a baby hippo and a tortoise:


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Is Tortoise still around? Stereolab and Trans Am are the only 'post-rock' Chicago centered bands I can think of.

Posted by bonehead's girlfriend | April 18, 2007 3:28 PM

ECB: Forget veal, let us hatch a new era of succulent, milk-fed baby hippo goodness.

Posted by jackie treehorn | April 18, 2007 4:36 PM

I had no idea how you were going to top Jake's cuteness... But you did. Baby hippo? OMG.

Posted by Megan Seling | April 18, 2007 6:04 PM

The cutest part is that they're friends! The baby hippo lost his mama in the big tsunami a couple years back, and when they took him to a wildlife preserve he adopted the old cranky tortoise (or was it the other way around?).

Their names are Owen (hippo) and Mzee (giant aldabra tortoise). There are plenty more opportunities for heart-breaking anthropomorphization where this came from in a couple of children's books that have been written about them. Just wait until you see the picture of them snuggling up for the night...

@1 - It is unclear whether either of them enjoys listening to the band Tortoise. Chances are they'd rather listen to a band called 'Leafy Greens', but I don't know if they officially released any records.

Posted by Bryan in the UK | April 19, 2007 6:10 AM

Hi, my name is Jonney, I am from Zaire.
Just like your resource :).

Posted by Jonney_awd | April 27, 2007 5:25 PM

Hi, my name is Jonney, I am from Zaire.
Just like your resource :).

Posted by Jonney_awd | April 27, 2007 5:25 PM

Hi, my name is Jonney, I am from Zaire.
Just like your resource :).

Posted by Jonney_awd | April 27, 2007 5:25 PM

Hi, my name is Jonney, I am from Zaire.
Just like your resource :).

Posted by Jonney_awd | April 27, 2007 5:25 PM

Hi, my name is Jonney, I am from Zaire.
Just like your resource :).

Posted by Jonney_awd | April 27, 2007 5:26 PM

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