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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Today The Stranger Suggests

posted by on March 10 at 14:52 PM


”Why a Northwest Biennial?’ (ART PANEL) Although something else is going to be on everyone’s mind, Stranger art critic Jen Graves, independent art critic Matthew Kangas, and Seattle P-I art critic Regina Hackett have promised to stay on topic. The topic: the Northwest Biennial currently up at Tacoma Art Museum. What does this show tell us about what art’s heavy hitters are thinking about? What does it tell us about biennials? And exactly how long did it take Alex Schweder to cast his entire bathroom in packing peanuts and spit? (Tacoma Art Museum, 1701 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, 253-272-4258. 3 pm, free with $7.50 museum admission.) CHRISTOPHER FRIZZELLE

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Greg Kucera wore his referee shirt (beneath his snap up shirt) but didn't have to blow his whistle, the panel at TAM was fun and informative, it was well attended and everyone behaved, because afterall, this is the NW, where we have car horns but don't generally use them.

Posted by Ruby Re-Usable | March 10, 2007 6:22 PM

It was an interesting discussion. Everyone was really nice. I'm sure everyone will work through their differences. NW art is #1

Posted by Great Event | March 10, 2007 9:41 PM

GREAT idea.

two west coast artists to suggest:
Linda G. Lopez
Kim Dingle (amazing & hysterical)

Posted by | March 11, 2007 5:14 PM

zuftxs opsfczn biols vjmgitcd fgzsobnc cmghobik wsyotn

Posted by hqivt nadhuzs | March 13, 2007 5:05 AM

zuftxs opsfczn biols vjmgitcd fgzsobnc cmghobik wsyotn

Posted by hqivt nadhuzs | March 13, 2007 5:05 AM

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