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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bbbbrrrruuuccceee, Part I

posted by on February 10 at 15:22 PM

Today at the Henry Art Gallery, another notable traveling show opens, Elusive Signs: Bruce Nauman Works With Light.

For Nauman’s influence alone, he is a figure whose work is always worth seeing. This exhibition, organized by the Milwaukee Art Museum, is not comprehensive in tracking his body-based, task-oriented, studio-centric, playful career thus far: instead it focuses entirely on neon. This decision makes it a more pointed, political, and aggressive show than a full retrospective would be, especially tucked away as it is like a beautiful, dangerous captive in the subterranean galleries of the Henry.

I’ll write more about the show later, but in the meantime, I’m going to be posting occasional images. Part of the reason is that they won’t get out otherwise, and they’re striking. The Henry can’t use them for advertising because they’re licensed through Artists Rights Society, which charges exorbitantly. But editorial use is unlimited, so we’ll start here.

My Name As Though It Were Written on the Surface of the Moon (1968)
At the Henry, this hangs on a white wall, and the effect is much more innocent (the letters look much more white), which seems apt, since it was one of Nauman’s first-ever video works. (The Henry is also showing an early video of Nauman manipulating a neon tube, which wasn’t ready at the press preview, but which should stop the gap felt in this show of Nauman’s actual presence, which is so often a part of his work.)

He started working with neon partly because it was cheap and he was poor, and he became attracted by the neon beer signs in the windows across from his San Francisco storefront studio. This piece, according to Liz Brown, Henry curator, has not been seen in a window (instead of on a wall) since it was in Nauman’s studio storefront, glowing out toward the beer signs.

The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths (Window or Wall Sign) (1967)

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i wish they'd got the dan flavin show that's been touring. That was a totally amazing show!

Posted by terry miller | February 10, 2007 3:42 PM

Where did you see it?

Posted by Jen Graves | February 10, 2007 3:48 PM

I saw it in DC in 2004. Utterly amazing.

Schedule: National Gallery of Art, October 3, 2004–January 9, 2005; Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, February 25–June 5, 2005; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, July 1–October 30, 2005; Hayward Gallery, London, January 19–April 2, 2006; Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, June 8–October 8, 2006; Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, November 15, 2006–March 4, 2007

Posted by Stephen at Platform | February 10, 2007 4:01 PM

Staatsgemaldesammlungen is such a bullshit word.

Posted by sniggles | February 10, 2007 4:07 PM

I saw it at the mca in chicago. it took over the whole museum. every room, every hallway, every nook and crany had one of his beautiful pieces.

Posted by terry miller | February 10, 2007 5:37 PM

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