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Monday, November 6, 2006

Stranger Election Night Bash

posted by on November 6 at 15:00 PM


Don’t watch the election night returns alone! Join us for The Stranger’s Election Night Bash on Tuesday November 7, at Spitfire (2219 4th Ave). The party starts at 5 pm—that’s when election results start coming in from the East Coast—and goes all night long. Come party with us as Rick Santorum goes down—and the Dems take one or both houses of Congress. Spitfire’s got 22 television screens, satellite feeds from over the country, and red and blue drink specials.

Here’s hoping that The Stranger’s Election Night Bash at Spitfire in 2006, like our election night party at Chop Suey in 2004, is such a blowout that we run out of booze. But this time it’ll be because we’re toasting our victories, not drowning our sorrows. Join us for what just might be the party of the year.

Rumor has it that Hugh Foskett—a rumor I started myself!—is going to show!

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So, will you buy us a round of Santorums?

Posted by Will in Seattle | November 6, 2006 3:15 PM

Will Hugh be wearing his trademark sombrero?

Posted by J.R. | November 6, 2006 3:20 PM

Honestly, I'd love to go, but class is at 7 pm. I'd show up afterward but I've gotta get up at 5 am and I'm a wreck on short sleep in a 14 hour day.

If it's any comfort to my detractors, I won't get to see any results until Wednesday morning at least. I'd bring my laptop to class and watch results via wi-fi, but this class is pretty involving.

Posted by Gomez | November 6, 2006 3:41 PM

Oh, and have fun! Drink the Spitfire dry, win or lose!

Posted by Gomez | November 6, 2006 3:42 PM

Maybe they can post pics as a slideshow?

Posted by Will in Seattle | November 6, 2006 3:47 PM

I will be there for sure, hopefully I'll be able to toast to Mike! Dumbass!McGavick's loss by 11:00pm. Work be damned, I want to see results!

*I am Monique, and I approved this politcal comment. (paid for by citizens of Mike! is a dumbass!)

Posted by Monique | November 6, 2006 4:17 PM

I'll be there!

Posted by John | November 6, 2006 4:20 PM

Should be fun.

* I am not me, but I approved this message for robocalling at 2 am anyway.

Posted by Will in Seattle | November 6, 2006 4:37 PM

Can you feel the Hughmentum?!?

Posted by Casey | November 6, 2006 4:52 PM


Posted by Gomez | November 6, 2006 5:47 PM

I get off work at 8pm and wouldn't miss it. Stranger parties are the place to be.
So sad I missed the Runway party cause of the east coast feed problem.

Here's to politics!

Posted by Enigma | November 6, 2006 7:17 PM

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