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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

SHAC 7 Sentenced Today

Posted by on September 12 at 15:03 PM

The SHAC 7’s case has caused quite a stir in the animal rights and activism networks. Jake Conroy, Darius Fulmer, Lauren Gazzola, Josh Harper, Kevin Kjonaas, and Andy Stepanian—members of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty—were convicted earlier this year of a list of charges that (for some) included Conspiracy to Violate the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, Conspiracy to Stalk, and Conspiracy to Harass Using a Telecommunications Device. (Originally seven people were charged, donning them the SHAC 7, but the charges against one person were later dropped).

Both Conroy and Harper have lived in Seattle.

The sentencing was supposed to happen at 10 am this morning in New Jersey, but I’ve been unable to find out what happened. Some of them were facing three-five years in prison, while others faced 11-13. Has anyone heard more about the sentencing? I’ll continue to dig and post more information when it becomes available.

To find out more about them and their case and trial, visit

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today, september 12th, kevin, lauren, and jake were sentenced. the sentences were well under the max they could have gotten so i guess that’s something to be relieved about. but it still stings to hear what they got.

kevin got 72 months, which is 6 years

lauren got 52 months

jake got 48 months

i’m told josh will be sentenced tomorrow and andy and darius are being sentenced later in the week. i’ll post more as i find out.

Thanks for the info and link, Michard.

the PI agreed with Michard on the sentencing of those three.

"The Animal Enterprise Protection Act." Who knew that reducing animals to property and subjecting them to property rights law was not enough to protect these industries? I guess we need "special rights" for slaughterhouse owners now?

I think Cheney's got that one.

Firebombs, assault, harassment... how is SHAC not a terrorist group?

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