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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Death in the City

Posted by on September 19 at 13:08 PM

This past Sunday, I saw four dead squirrels hither and yon on Capitol Hill. One was in front of the former site of Coffee Messiah on Olive (on the sidewalk; a big dog picked it up in its mouth, and the big dog’s owner made the big dog put it back down, which surely mystified and endlessly frustrated the big dog); one was on 12th around, say, Denny, in the street; two (two!) were in the street on the same block of East Union at Summit. I have tried to put these four dead squirrels out of my mind, but I cannot. The eerie thing: None of them were squashed, as a dead squirrel in the street (or even on the sidewalk) ought to be; they all looked just fine, fluffy and cute, like maybe they were sleeping. The Stranger news staff, usually so responsive to my alarmed calls about such things as brand-new bird-flu-esque epidemics, refuses to investigate. God help us.

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Squirrel plague '06!

Don't rule out rat poison. Rain and cold bring more rats inside, more people trying to kill them and little squirrels may be collateral damage.

Or they are terrorists killed by the government to protect us.

That sounds like the cat I found outside my apartment the other day. It looked healthy and as If it was just lounging on the ground if but suspiciously still.

i am absolutely terrified of squirrels and have been since i was a child. therefore, i find this news to be worthy of celebration.

in related news, i met someone this weekend that had to undergo the rabies treatment that is the root of my fear. and, you know what? all that talk about getting shots with big long needles in your stomach is TOTALLY TRUE.

squirrels are the devil's henchmen. i am always happy to see them dead, squished or not.

I saw a squirrel climb up a wall down in the Regrade this weekend, reach the top, realize that there was no way it could get up and over the cornice, screech horribly for a minute, and then fall. It made a sickening thud when it hit the pavement, took a few steps, then hunched still. I don't know if it lived or not.
It was the second time in my life I've ever felt sorry for one of the evil creatures. A few years back I watched a squirrel take a flying leap off the roof, misjudge the fence, and fall into our garden pond. If squirrels were smart enough to hold their breath under water, he would have lived, as I hd him fished out of there in two seconds, tops -- but he was already gone.

i saw one at volunteer park the other day. its perfectly unsquashed little body was laying in the road near the conservatory. i so wanted to get close enough to figure out what happened, but my friend wouldn't let me cuz she is also afraid of squirrels.

I saw a similarly dead squirrel up here in Greenwood... no squish, no blood... just curled up all stiff-like.

Didn't I warn you that someday the plague will send its squirrels forth to die in a happy city?

Could be someone is using slug bait in their yard. I unintentionally killed a raccoon once with slug bait sprinkled in the garden, not knowing it was tasty to raccoons and other critters. Have since switched to only nontoxic baits.

Oh, and Kerri, calm down. Can't get rabies from squirrels; there has never been rabies in this neck of the woods except in the occasional bat; and rabies shots haven't been administered to the stomach in years.

Bethany - it's the SAME DEAD SQUIRREL and it's FOLLOWING YOU.

maybe the squirrels have been eating fresh spinach?

one of my housemates is a squirrel charmer.. she makes little squeaky clicky noises and they come to her. they'll eat peanuts right out of her hands, and they'll climb up on her shoulder to do so.

unfortunately they can't tell us apart and one jumped on my head as i passed under our trees the other day. it ran around me like a tree trunk and then took off. all the while, i'm standing in our front yard screaming like a little girl.

i still love them tho.

It's a sociopathic dachshund that is killing them, but refusing to dismember them. Humans will be next.

Bethany, sounds like you're missing out on the hot fashion trend: lots of free material in those "fluffy, unsquashed" rodents for fur trim on coats, hats, gloves, etc.

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