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Saturday, September 23, 2006

“A Lanoline-Like Wetness… an Everyday Life Skill”

Posted by on September 23 at 8:00 AM

Has a band of monkeys overtaken the health reporting department at Reuters?

From the Dept. of News Stories that Already Read Like Parodies of Themselves: the latest on the penile wetness front. To wit:

Although many of the factors associated with penile wetness were poverty-related, Dr. O’Farrell’s group suggests that “information, education, and communication programs at a number of levels would be needed: for instance, encouraging washing related to sexual activity — precoital or postcoital or as an everyday life skill.

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Tell me you're joking. Tell me Reuters is NOT that stupid.

I've seen some stupid articles from them lately but GOOD LORD.

Because reducing the spread of HIV is funny.

Thanks Reuters for inspiring this sure fire gay pickup line for my upcoming trip to Cd Mexico: Me pareces chico que se limpia su pene.

Hey! There's alot a guys don't wash their junk, and you do see it a lot with the rough trade, and ain't nobody trade less they need the dollars. Me, I always use those little wipe things if I can't get to a shower right away.

Sorry if we ain't all as clean as you mothers at the stranger.

Rough trade with internet access? I love Seattle. RT, get them dollas!

If he's real, he's probably in the library.

I hate to wade into this, so to speak, but I have a relevant story.

My female roommate from college has a little brother that was born the year she was a senior in high school. It was the first boy in the family (three girls before him) and his parents didn't have him circumcized.

A few years later, his father up and dies suddenly of a heart attack.

Fast forward several years later: My ex-roommate is a registered nurse, and her brother is 17 years old. Since he hasn't had a dad for ten years, he (despite his mother and sister's best intentions) has had to figure out a lot of "guy" things on his own. One of them is how to take care of his dick (and yes, Virginia - uncircumcized does take some special - or at least different - care, compared to mr fire helmet). Unfortunately, he has a nasty infection, which an asshole male doctor has made him feel very bad about.

So I (about as far from a father figure as you can get, but any port in a storm...) have to sit down with the kid and tell him how to take care of his business. It was either me or his sister (the idea of that made all of us go EWWWW!)

So yes, there are some guys who don't know how to "wash their junk"

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