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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The Race Hasn’t Been Called Yet…

Posted by on August 8 at 19:38 PM

…but Lamont is ahead. With 87% of the vote counted, Lamont leads by almost four percentage points: 52 to 48. The New York Times endorsed Lamont, which makes me wonder why they’re running this picture of a Lamont supporter on their homepage right now…


Kind of makes Lamont supporters look—oh, I dunno—kind of sinister, huh?

UPDATE: Uh… gee. Drunk and all, so take it for what it’s worth, but… if Lieberman loses by a percentage point or three, I’m thinking his threat to run as an independant if he lost the primary cost him the primary. It pissed off rank-and-file Dems, some who might have voted for him otherwise. Lieberman made that call when he was way down in the polls, and it seems that he had the Joementum going into the voting today. I’m thinking that if Joe had gambled all and committed to respecting the will of CT’s dem primary voters, the bastard would’ve won.

UPDATE 2: What does it mean? Here’s my take: Dems are going to start fearing their own base—and that will be a good thing. It’s worked out pretty well for the Republicans. Lord knows that the Rs fear their own base—they fear the right-wing religious nutcases—and so they work hard to appeal to them. A Lieberman loss will put the same Fear-Of-Base into Democrats.

La la la. Another beer, waiter!

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"The New York Times endorsed Lamont, which makes me wonder why they’re running this picture of a Lamont supporter on their homepage right now."

Uh...maybe they have a separation of "editorial" and "news"?...maybe they are not into "advocacy journalism," unlike some newspapers I know and love. Ya think, maybe?

Yeah, that's probably it. I'm drinking, David. Cut me some slack.

Linda's has WiFi, everybody, so you can drink and blog and embarrass yourself.

Oh, and bite the hand that occasionally feeds you too....

Ahh last I checked editorials were the views of the people writing them... They never claimed to be neutral, that is why they are listed in a section called "opinion."

Looks like Lieberman has just conceded. Fox News -- of all things! -- carried his concession speech.

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