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Monday, August 14, 2006

Seattle Times Snubs War-Related Doonesbury: Conspiracy Theory-Deflating Update

Posted by on August 14 at 13:51 PM

Apparently, yesterday’s edition of the Seattle Times featured a repeat of a Doonesbury comic originally run in Feburary, instead of this current comic.

“Too political for the Sunday Funnies?” asked Slog tipster (and beloved Seattle actor currently appearing in Intiman’s Heartbreak House) Laurence Ballard. “Censorship? Formatting error? Transmission failure? Enquiring minds wish to know…”

Well, I just talked to Editorial Page Editor James Vesely, who’s responsible for running the weekday Doonesbury on the paper’s editorial page. But the Sunday comics are outside his domain, falling instead to Assistant Managing Editor Carole Carmichael, for whom I just left a message. I’ll let you know what I find out when I find it out…In the meantime, feel free to share theories/grouse about wussy media and/or preachy Trudeau in the comments….

UPDATE 1:40 pm: I just talked to the Times’ Cynthia Nash, who told me the story behind the swapped comic. Apparently the swap had nothing to do with the particular strip or its content, and everything to do with a production error that reportedly left comics-page layer-outters with a latecoming up-n-down Doonesbury for a space designed for a lengthwise Doonesbury. Under the time crunch, the decision was made to re-run an old Doonesbury that fit.

And there you have it. Sorry to destroy the wonderful conspiracy-theory fantasy, which, in my mind, featured Times publisher Frank Blethen pacing before his bedroom fireplace in nightshirt and slippers, hollering into an old-timey horn phone, “Yank that Doonesbury!!!!”

Next up in Cold Cartoon Files: The Lockhorns—why don’t they get a fucking divorce?

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Man, good thing I read the Times online, or I would have missed that excellent cartoon. It was really good.

i was wondering why it wasn't in the newspaper. maybe they couldn't redesign the page soon enough to go out. Adobe InDesign is a bitch, and the comic was laid out much differently than normal.

yo, dawg, at least they didn't run a pro-Mike! toon in it's place.

The Sunday Times runs a totally annoying conservative cartoon every week called "Mallard Filmore". It is completely offensive and overtly political, yet it never occurred to me to complain about it, because, you know, I'm an American and I think it's okay that people have views that are different than mine.

Why do they run this cartoon and censor Doonesbury? Ask the editor that. Are they just complaint-based or is this a Blethen decision?

My main problem with Mallard Filmore is not its right-wing political view, but the cartoonist's difficult-to-read lettering. How did he get this far in the business with such bad lettering skillz?

My problem with Mallard Fillmore is that it isn't funny.

Doesn't the Times also run the Boondocks? I assumed that it's supposed to be the counterpoint to Mallard.

Since when is stating the sad, honest, truth to hot for the comics page? So a soldier says the war is going to drag on, by quoting Bush, and then states that they die in vain. Wow, that is a low threshold for scandal. Why not count constant campaigning against the estate tax, which benefits the family that owns the times as too hot for the editorial page...and front page for that matter.

Mallard Fillmore is so unfunny it's sad. Now, you want real right-wing conservative cartoons, check out the PI top left cartoon (ironic placement) ...

yeah it was that bitch indesign's fault after all. only slightly better than pagemaker (which is loads better than mallard fillmore).

Ah, the Lockhorns! How *do* they keep it fresh?

In good comics news, however, they did finally retire BC. Not only was Johnny Hart a raging fundy fruitbat, but at least half the time, the strip left me scratching my head in utter befuddlement, thinking, Dude, Up The Dosage!

Anyone notice that "Opus" has been moved from his former beautifully prominent above-the-fold, front-page Times Sunday comics location to a tiny spot on the back?

Interesting because the strip has recently focused on topics like press censorship and corporate ownership of the media. And now it's relegated to the Boondocks (which is a P-I strip, by the way).

And the P-I dumped Ted Rall a few months back. Bunch of pussies.

It's always fun to read the Lockhorns with their captions taken to a logical extreme.

ie. Loretta to Leroy: "I hate you with a burning fury you will never comprehend"

or Leroy to Loretta: "You are a demon sent from Hell to torture me until I die."

Try it!

I always figured the two fellas wearing the fez'es (wow, what the hell IS the plural of fez, anyway?) in Matt Groening's Life in Hell were the Lockhorns carried to their logical extreme. Just gay. And wearing fezzes. Fezi. Feza.

Akbar and Jeff! I do not either have Alzheimers!

As someone who owns every Bloom County book every printed, I'm not too sad about Opus getting moved aside. It's only slightly irreverent and mostly just not that funny. Bloom County was brilliant and had an edge. (I also love how two 4th graders, Milo and Binkley, ran the US Festival in '84. You can't beat that.)

Opus was a great minor character, but he's not that great as the main event.

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