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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Have At It

Posted by on August 15 at 11:52 AM

Dear Comment Whores,

I present to you:

The Male Privilege Checklist.

You’re welcome.

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What an absolute load of crap.

Try applying as a college educated white male for a City, State or Federal Job (let alone someplace like Starbucks). Quite frankly, you are the very last person on the list to be considered.

For that matter, this also applies to White males applying at UW.

And that's a problem?

You're absolutely right Paul.

In this touchy feely world we live in shouldn't a candidate for any position be given the job based on qualification and not to undo historical racism?

only 13 of those seem to be true - but, then I work at the UW.

And most of my bosses are women.

But Red Paul has a point - if I were applying for a job in Canada, I'd be a minority, as there I'm an American.

I realize that I'm being baited here, but I have to say it's really impressive how many of those items on this checklist are either demonstrably untrue or irrelevant ("i.e. 'If-then' statements where the qualifying condition isn't met.)

Obviously there is such a thing as privilege, but isn't it just possible that long lists of extremely general statements of dubious accuracy such as this do not serve to advance the debate in a substantive fashion? Or is that just my privilege talking?

That should be qualified to "white male privilege" list. Admit it, it's great to be much freer from private sector job discrimination, police brutality, shoplifting suspicion, housing discrimination, discrimination due to dialect and name, and slow restaurant service than black and latin males.

I get shit as basically the only white person in my entire division at a certain large e-commerce company. I get asked about what white people do all the time, and I've been put in the situtation where I had to defend not just American cultural but all of western civilization. I've been made fun of for weeks because I got a sunburn, including being called a "redneck" which in my mind is now a racial epithet. I was told by my boss (who's a black woman) that when I was passed over for a promotion that she wanted to promote "a person of color." That's the definition of racism, descrimination based on skin color, and just because I'm white doesn't mean I can't be a victim of it.

In San Francisco, city college has a office of "Asian Pacific American Student Success", "African American Student Success" and "Latino/a Student Success". What about white success? No one gives a shit apparently. Nevermind the fact that in San Francisco non-hispanic whites are a minority, at only 38% of the population, and the city is 33% Asian.

To all the men who dipute this list: Boo-fucking-hoo that you're losing your privelage. It's a slow painful process, I'm sure, but you'll adapt.


How about "white male" privilege?

I'm a white male. I've recently moved. In my new city, I found an apartment I liked, but it was in a condo complex and technically the association -- which consists mostly of easily frightened elderly people -- has to give its approval before a prospective tenant is allowed to move in. That sucks. I had all my stuff packed in my car and wanted it out. I also didn't want to cool my heels in a hotel for two weeks. So the real estate agent told me "You look like you'll be a good tenant," and he said I could move in. He added: "Keep a low profile until you're approved." I took that to mean that there are nosy neighbors who will be sizing me up from a distance.

My guess is that if I were a black man I wouldn't have been encouraged to move in before approval, and even if I had, I would have been sweating the condo association's approval. As a white male, it's a piece of cake.

Dear Ms. Barnett,

How many of the 46 items in the checklist are true?


The Blob

Seattle is a racist and anti-semitic town. White males have the advantage in all jobs. If a black woman was president there would be no war or global warming.

Try applying as a college educated white male for a City, State or Federal Job (let alone someplace like Starbucks). Quite frankly, you are the very last person on the list to be considered.

Right, Paul. That's why everyone who works in government (or in important positions in the private sector, for that matter) is a minority or a woman. Oh wait.

I read that list a couple of months ago and I agree that many of the points are horseshit. The list should be much shorter. Points 1, 3, 5-8, 10-13, 16, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 35-37, 43, and 45 are reasonable. So that makes 26 valid points, and the other 20 are bogus, are so superficial that they don't even bear mentioning, or are privileges that are perpetuated by women as well.

To quote nofx: "don't call me white"

This is my favorite:
44. Complete strangers generally do not walk up to me on the street and tell me to “smile.”

I'd love to live to see the day when someone stops my husband on the sidewalk to tell him he'd be much more attractive if he smiled.

White European Male oppression is everywhere. They are responsible for all of the evil in the world and all wars. Germany and Spain are to blame for Israel's current war with Lebanon. Only Erica has the courage to face the oppressors. Of all the nations, Israel faces the worst oppression from White European Males.

Weirdly enough, that "smile" thing has been done to me more than once. I just assumed they were have-a-nice-day nazis.

I've had people tell me to smile.

Seriously though, I've done it to other people too.

We need to all realize we're all arguing semantics, which word will of course cause someone to become outraged.

(the smile thing is straying from the point but...)

I hate the smile people! I hate that they seem to be so upset that other people aren't smiling and start shouting, "what's wrong with all of you!". Perhaps I am not smiling because I AM NOT HAPPY! Fucking turd polishers...

besides, isn't this all just another tool of the Man (that is, Very Rich Men) who want to separate us, instead of have us work together?

Now, excuse me, my boss is calling and she takes priority.

This list itself is a great example of the male-bias in our society. The fact that the author views it as a "sacrifice" to give up one's career to raise one's child, and a "privilege" to work full time to provide for that same child is a great example. The author, along with the rest of society, holds traditionally male gender roles in higher esteem than their traditionally female role equivalents.

Okay, but… so what? Given enough time and bitterness anyone could come up with one of these lists targeting their favorite group to hate

Females Privilege Checklist might include that your femininity would never be called into question if you chose to marry a rich man and freeload off his ass for the rest of your life.

Young Persons Privilege Checklist might include that most marketing, media and entertainment will be targeted specifically at and for your consumption and pleasure.

Attractive Persons Privilege Checklist… get laid more than others

Married Persons Privilege Checklist… do I even have to list any here?

Handicapped Persons Privilege Checklist … best parking spaces

Big Breasted Blond Females Privilege Checklist… pick of all the richest oldest closest to dead millionaires to wed

Fact is people are different, and as such are treated differently… Get over it!


Some of these seem likely to be statistically representative. Of course, you can't expect guys who have the deck stacked in their favor and who still have come up short to be delighted to hear the news. But the tone is arguable, the idea of privilege suggesting (perhaps) that the problem isn't privilege itself, it's the apportionment. (Simply reslicing the pie vs. baking a new one.) Also, if you're born into sytematic privilege, sure, you can take a stand on larger issues, but it's not easy to refuse the countless "little" perks that accrue to you -- like a swarm of oddly friendly gnats you could spend all your time slapping at. Or like a featherbed that whether you want it to or not, keeps following you around. But women can certainly profit by male privilege, too, and are encouraged to do so. In that sense, we're all likely a bit more aware and complicit than it might seem (the defensive commentary above more a reflection of feeling judged, it seems to me).

Lastly, rather than make lists of what other people ought to know, it's generally more effective to invite their discovery. No one likes to feel blamed, but they may be interested in detecting and redressing the unfair and unjust if their participation is solicited. I should note I say all this as a California native, so please take it with a grain of salt.

Shoshanna, you're hysterical. When will this world wake up to the fact that the Jews are a gyno-centric culture that emphasizes the equality of the genders, tolerates cultural diversity and celebrates all humans as precious gifts of light, no matter their gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin or racial identification?


Unless, of course, they're filthy arab islamo-fascist pork-eating faggots. Then it's Israel's right as God's Chosen People to exterminate them all. Preferrably in gas chambers.

Yesterday I saw a guy walking down the street toward me with a “SMILE” sign. He clearly felt this was within the scope of his male privilege. I frowned, because, as a man, I felt it was within the scope of my male privilege.

His companion was a woman. There can be only one reason she accompanied him: to investigate the scope of male privilege. I hope her knowledge of the universe has been enhanced.

So, you were anticipating that we would comment on the horrid background making it completely unreadable, then?

Count me in.

I've noticed it tends to always be men telling me (female) to smile. I really do think it is demeaning, as if they are not happy with my current expression so they are commanding me to change. I want to punch them in the teeth and tell them good luck smiling now bastard.

Biff, you said they had a sign? I mean, think about it, isn't that a Euro-centric manifestation in it's own right?

After all, it presumes:

a. you can read (which given our society's focus on education for the wealthy, might not be true);

b. you can read English (what if you're a recent or "arrived" immigrant);

c. you realize it's a command and not a suggestion, which is very authoritarian in it's basic assumption;

d. you don't have missing teeth or some medical condition that makes it uncomfortable for you to smile;

e. you aren't otherly abled and can't see words on signs without assistance; and not least

f. you take the stick out of your butt.


The smile Nazis (oh shit, did I just invoke Godwin's Law?) have always irked me. How do they know my mother didn't just die, or I didn't just find out that I have terminal cancer, or something? Sorry to bum your happy chirpy little trip and all, but not all of us are Little Mary Fucking Sunshine every second of the day. In any event, I've always been able to shut them up with my patented rejoinder:

"Give me a reason to smile - Leave!"

As to the list, it doesn't take two important factors into account - socioeconomic status and apparent race. There's one whole hell of a lot of this list that applies to Well-Off White Men, not just the male gender in general. My husband, who grew up male, and white, but also poor as dirt, did not have the same opportunities and advantages as, say, the Occupant in the White House.

from "Wayne's World," as spoken by Wayne (with English subtitles): "Was it Kierkegaard or Dick Van Patten who said, 'If you label me, you negate me'?"

Maybe for Halloween I can print all those out onto mailing labels and stick them all over myself just so that nobody forgets how terrible I am. Thanks for the suggestion, Erica!

Well, in today's America, the only people smiling are Very Rich people. Like Paris Hilton.

Yeah, that's who would pay estate taxes.

The Jewish people bring true justice into this world and yet are constantly oppressed. American Jews are the most oppressed minority in this country and it gets worse every day. Even on the slog I read a steady stream of anti-semitism and pro Arab lies. It is usually White European Males who write these things.

Erica, you've certainly stirred up a hornet's nest with this.

I guess I have to ask: to what end? Has this helped any cause, or simply mollified the victims and irritated the people who've been working at changing these stereotypes on every side?

I have to say, after decades of working against these stereotypes, to have this thrown in my face is a bit irritating. But then I'm a man, I'm supposed to take it.

I would love to see some indication of each poster's sex on this blog. Me thinks that most of the outrage is from men.

Fuck em all. My job is to make sure I don't treat anyone differently because of their race, ethnicity, or gender. If people want to bitch that some groups have it better than others, well have at it. It's easier to bitch than it is to act. Or maybe we need a government-funded study of privileges. We could determine the 100 most important privileges and determine the rating for each identity group (self-defined, of course) and publish it. Barnes and Noble can put it on the shelf next to Places Rated Almanac and then Time will do a quick bullet point summary and we can all forget it and go back to being good to each other. God, where is Kimya Dawson when you need her.

I think Paris Hilton's Goat might agree with you, Anome. Your estate tax cuts helped bury her.

How dare you assume gender, Boohoo, that's sexist!

- apologies to everyone dealing with real sexism, and real stuff like the 13 issues of the 36 listed that are actual concerns -

If you want to see white male privilege, just enter the following terms in your favorite search engine: "George Allen" and "Macaca" or "Makaka."

George Allen is a white supremacist nutcake. I hope he's the Republican candidate for president in 2008.

I wouldn't say I'm "outraged" by the list. It's pretty flaccid. I agree with some of it and not other parts of it.

Me personally, I work in an organization where virtually all the higher-ups are women. And at all three of my most significant previous jobs, when I left I was replaced by a woman who (a) earned more than I had and (b) had fewer responsibilities. Just sayin'.

More putting out from this comment whore:

I think all the points are legitimate - there are many superficially harmless scenarios that are insidiously demeaning, and in a way worse than blatant discrimination, because it's so easy for people to dismiss them. The much-discussed "Smile!" example is awful from a feminist point of view if the one issuing the command is doing so as an effort to help the recipient be more attractive. This would be bothersome to anyone, but is most likely to happen to women and more worrisome when it happens to women, since it's likely to imply a derogatory view of women on the part of the commander. On the other hand, it could be that the commander thinks he's being helpful by reminding the commandee to be happy. This is annoying, too, because of the suggestion that skin-deep happiness is all that anyone needs, but doesn't seem to be gender-related. I'd like to point out that it's easy, when on the lookout for misogyny, to find it in places where it doesn't exist. However, far too often misogyny is exactly what's behind all the situations described.

And #16 made me laugh, a lot:
"Only Erica has the courage to face the oppressors."
Dude! She's a superhero! Sweet!

Has anyone read the original article by Peggy McIntosh? She discusses specifically that a significant component of the priviledges that white people experience is due largely to the fact that it is the dominant culture and requires no explanation. White privilege is assumed and understood as a part of our culture. This is similar to male privilege.

The reason universities don't have White Male Success groups is that the entire school system was founded for and by white men.

Similarly, the reason that one can comfortably say that men experience priviledge is to look historically at the way women have been treated in this country and compare the data with today. Women received the right to vote in 1920. Less than 100 years ago.

Despite being 51% of the population, there are only 14 women in the Senate and there has never been a female Vice President or President. Only two Fortune 500 companies have female CEO's.

I am not assessing blame to anyone. However, the fact is that not everyone can be President (of the country, a company, or a University), but men, at least, have a chance. Women, for the most part, do not.

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