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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

We Got a Cake This Afternoon!

Posted by on August 23 at 16:39 PM

For four years now we’ve been notifying Stranger Genius Award winners by cake that they have, you know, just won a Stranger Genius Award and everything.

Why cake?

Well everybody likes cake, right? And who doesn’t like being handed a cake that has “You’re a Friggin’ Genius” written on it? Particularly when it comes with a $5,000 no-strings-attached cash grant?

This year, for the first time ever, a Stranger Genius Award winnernotified this morning by cakesent us a cake in return.


How thoughtful! And the huge bottle of Jack Daniels? Nice touch!

If any of 2006’s other Stranger Genius Award winners would like to make a similar gesture, a few ounces of pot would make our day complete. The cake isn’t going to eat itself, after all.

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ounces? I'd think you need a plate of brownies ...

Maybe... it's IN the CAKE!

Dan - have you ever found a recipe for Bacon Cake? And I haven't been able to have cake in a long time without thinking of your story of the guy in the bathtub. Thanks!

What's the story of the guy in the bathtub?

I for one think cake is over rated. if i were a genius, i'd rather be notified via fruit-tart

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