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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Another Corner Turned

Posted by on August 15 at 15:38 PM

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Aug. 15 — More Iraqi civilians were killed in July than in apparently any other month of the war, according to Iraqi Health Ministry and morgue statistics, despite a security plan begun by the new government in June.

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The victory is for Israel. In the last month thousands of islamo-terrorists and their children were killed in Lebanon. Israel could not have accomplished this without American bases in Iraq for support. We must accept things are difficult, but these wars will bring peace.

We're Number One!
We're Number One!
We're Number One!


Winning hearts and minds!

Can we call it a Failure and a Quagmire yet? Or do we have to sacrifice a few more thousand for "honor"?

Up is down!

Black is white!

Mission Accomplished!!!

Thanks, Chimpoleon!

Good thing we have troops there or it could get really bad. I bet the Iraqi's are gratefull for our support - it's only a matter of time before they hold a spontaneous referrendum and become the 51st State.

Just imagine a typical Iraqi father, sitting there in the rubble of his home, cradling whatever chunk of his son that includes his head and waiting for his Reuters photo-op; imagine that man watching a Humvee drive by and thinking to himself "Allah watch over that 19 year-old with the machine gun. I regret not learning English and hence denying myself the opportunity to express my gratitude personally."

Can't you just see it? This will be over, like, tomorrow."

Not that I trust them - I'm sure that we'll find that most of these deaths are suicides or farming accidents. Just their way of undermining our moral justification following our own losses on 9/11. Cunning bastards - absolutely no respect for life.

Josh-- Your level of irony is commendable! Really thick! Can I have some more on toast? Thanks.
"These wars will bring peace." I love it! So funny!

John - Even if all the deaths were suicides and farming accidents, that would indeed be a form of "asymmetric warfare", akin to the Guantanamo suicides.

Does anyone remember how many deaths we need to unlock an Xbox 360 achievement? Bush is really hoping to increase his gamer score.

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