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Thursday, June 1, 2006

Public Art vs. Public Nuisance in Fremont

Posted by on June 1 at 16:32 PM

There’s an interesting discussion going on in our Slog forum regarding the subject of last week’s feature on Benny the rock balancer, including a response from someone who appears to be the rock balancer himself.

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Funny that you should bring him up...I was just listening to Benny curse and rant to no one in particular about whatever delusional thing that popped into his head. I think he cursed and grunted at a few passers-by, too, for good measure.

Benny is debatably an artist, but he is also demonstrably mentally ill. If anything, we should be discussing the best way to get treatment for people like him, rather than defending his right to stack rocks on a public sidewalk.

the real public art nuisance in fremont is the butt ugly building/ row that includes the fremont pcc and cold stone creamery.

no shit!

and everything Ms. Burke has built in the last decade.

You can't possibly mean the PCC/Coldstone building covered in those incredible organic looking steel sculptures. That building is the shit. I'm not kidding either, I can spend hours looking at that thing. It's one of the most creative building exteriors in the city, right up there with Peso's in Queen and May's Thai restaurant on 45th in Wallingford.

What's wrong with you people?

I've seen Benny deterioate over the past 5-6 years. When I first met him working at a coffee shop on the ave he was much more cohearent. Most recently, I shared cigerettes with him at a coffee shop in fremont and at the bus stop, he was starting to lose it. Now, its nice to see he's found a passion. But its frustrating to see others get so mad at such a gentle and kind soul. Yes, he may yell at people, but deep down, he's a good guy. He came to a couple of my friends parties in the u-district years back and he was a total blast to hang out with.

btw, his life story is pretty incredible, he's gone through much more than any yuppie in fremont ever has or will.

have to agree with Joe. Benny used to be way more fun years ago, but you Stranger guys don't have to live with him like we do in the neighborhood.

Hey, when are you going to cover our architectural buildings - you seem to spend all your time up on Capitol Hill, but still nothing on our funky style.

oh, and just wanted to point out my fave Chinese place just closed down at Market and 8th NW in Freelard. I am sad.

Smelly old hippies with BO do not belong in Fremont. Get rid of this guy. We didn't move to Seattle to have to step in urine on the way to Starbucks.

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