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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Wild No More

Posted by on May 11 at 10:33 AM


SAN JOSÉ DEL GUAVIARE, Colombia — Since time immemorial the Nukak-Makú have lived a Stone Age life, roaming across hundreds of miles of isolated and pristine Amazon jungle, killing monkeys with blowguns and scouring the forest floor for berries.

But recently, and rather mysteriously, a group of nearly 80 wandered out of the wilderness, half-naked, a gaggle of children and pet monkeys in tow, and declared themselves ready to join the modern world.

We do not want to go back,” explained one man, who uses the sole name Ma-be, and who arrived with the others at this outpost in southern Colombia in March. “We want to stay near town. We can plant our own food. In the meantime the town can help us.”

The Nukak have no concept of money, of property, of the role of government, or even of the existence of a country called Colombia. They ask whether the planes that fly overhead are moving on some sort of invisible road.

The Nukak don’t know what they’ve gotten themselves into,” said Dr. Javier Maldonado, 27, a physician who has been working with them.

The rest of the fascinating story from the New York Times. And yes, that kid is biting into a monkey head.

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Please tell me this isn't another Tasaday hoax...

Did they have anything negative to say about the Geico commercials?

Mmmmmmmm ....... Monkey Heads .....

Fnarf, just figured out your comment ... I'll have the roast duck with mango salsa ....

Nice haircut for a kid just out of the stone age.

do the donnas make passable music these days, at least for the times. a couple of them seem to be zeitgeist commentators with little to say of interest...they're not especially attractive either. basically, a visceral waste.

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