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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Who’s That Woman?

Posted by on May 25 at 9:07 AM


Someone got a head transplant. Can you guess who?

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That's Faye Dunaway, isn't it?
She's looked like that for some time now.

it looks like rupaul's albino twin.

Joni Mitchell? Sally Strothers? Faye Dunaway? It's Faye Dunaway, isn't it?

Speaking of weird plastic surgery, Mr. Savage, did you see Shere Hite on Colbert? Can you explain how a 64-year-old sex writer who was born and raised in the US has the face of a 30-year-old and a thick accent? Is this what we have to look forward to with you in, uh, 35 years?

Faye, what have you done to yourself? You were (kind of) aging so gracefully.

It's sad that with many of these actresses that go for these intensive plastic surgeries, we never see the beauty and grace of their aging and the women they naturally become -- as we did with Katherine Hepburn for example.

Faye Done-away

On the other hand, Faye Dunaway's face belongs to Faye Dunaway, not to God or to you.

I wonder how many people who have expressed this view ("it's sad") have big pieces of metal through their face, or tattoos?

I think those are Laura Mars' eyes.

Faye Dunaway? I can see that. I was leaning towards Joan Rivers.

Faye had this done on purpose. She's playing Janice from Dr. Teeth's Electric Mayhem Band in the upcoming live-action Muppet Movie. What a girl won't do for a good part these days.

THAT'S Faye Dunaway?? She starred in my favorite movie of all time back when she was naturally beautiful so I see her at least once a month, and I completely didn't recognize her.

And Fnarf, lay off it. Though I'm definitely going to have my neck slashed and stitched back up when my family's notorious mid-40's turkey neck catches up with me, Faye Dunaway has become a caricature of herself twenty years ago. Yes, it's her face and she can do with it what she wants. But she's a celebrity, she looks like a freakshow, and this is what the people do: we talk about celebrities.

I'd hit it.

I was gonna say Mary Tyler Moore.

Or that plastic surgery Cat-Woman. :|

I was gonna say Barbara Eden.

Mamie van Doren is 75, and she underwent plastic surgery and breast augmentation at age 60 only to turn out looking like Pammy Anderson's mother:

On the positive side, at least she had her snaggly teeth fixed. Even as early as Mommie Dearest, they were getting pretty witchy-looking.

She does look terrigying, but I almost love it,in that Amanda Lepore kind of way.

Umm, and of course I meant "terrifying". I always click post instead of preview...

She actually looks good compared to Mary Tyler Moore and Barbara Eden, both look terrible IMO.

does she have the same legs,though?

For more perptually surprised divas, see:

That's nothing. These women look relatively normal. Check out the immortal Jocelyn Wildenstein:

Kermit: LOL!

I like snaggly teeth. Nice teeth are nice, too. The little tooth, though, not my favorite. Overall, I like when people don't sit around worrying about how they should look.

It just goes to show you that even money can't buy youth. Did you see Carter Anderson's mother on Oprah? Little Gloria looks like she went to Dr. Frankenstein for her work.


I had no clue who this was until I saw other pictures of her on Go Fug Yourself. Fortunately, this seems to be a particularly bad photo and Dunaway doesn't always look like a cross between Jocelyn Wilderstein and RuPaul, but it's still a little tragic.

I agree! Kermit, that was damn funny!

On a side note: Please tell me that Lauren Hutton is still aging gracefully.

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