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Thursday, April 13, 2006

It’s Somewhat of a Relief…

Posted by on April 13 at 18:18 PM

…to know that the Beatles’ catalog is no longer in the hands of Michael Jackson, though you have to wonder what’s going to happen to it when Sony takes control.

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It's an income-generating property, and there are massive debts to cover. Expect to hear a LOT more Beatles, Dylan, Hank Williams and other Acuff-Rose songs, etc. used in ads and movies. You say you want a revolution?

Why should I care who controls this mega bucks cash cow? One more palace somewhere -- a few more Bentleys for someone -- caviar is not cheap --- more diamonds for boyfriend / girlfriend --- shit to me.

Hannah - get a grip on your priorities.

Your are brainwashed.

Your what are brainwashed?

It's an interesting story, George, even if the money isn't coming to you.

Sorry FNARF. George is right. It doesn't affect any of us in the slightest and isn't that interesting a story.

I did like the bit she posted about the ice cream truck though. That's shit I can relate to. Chocolate eclairs ho!


"Dear Prudence" will be used to sell Tampax - that's what's going to happen to the catalog. When MJ allowed Nike to use "Revolution" to market shoes, there at last was some backlash and some of that permission-giving was subsequently curbed. But with Sony, they aren't going to care that they are co-opting the memories and the score of an entire generation. They're only interested in selling their products and re-capturing share of the 16 to 34 year old market. Sad that some things can't remain sacrosanct here in the capitalistic soup in which we live. My only hope is that the new CEO of Sony (who is around Beatle age) will exercise some restraint.

The Beatles were and are voracious capitalists.

The Beatles were and are voracious capitalists.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Didn't say there was. I just think it's funny when people act as if selling a Beatles song for a commercial is some kind of betrayal, when the Beatles were and are fundamentally a commercial enterprise. It's like being shocked, SHOCKED, that Nike is charging money for their sneakers at all.

It may be true that the surviving Beatles are voracious capitalists, but they were pretty upset over the Nike thing and I don't think it was because they missed out on some cash.

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