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Wednesday, March 1, 2006

A Day of Manifestos

Posted by on March 1 at 15:53 PM

Dan has posted a manifesto about the cartoon controversy that he likes, here. Earlier today, Charles posted a take on the controversy that he likes, here. And now, at the risk of adding to the Slog’s already heavy reliance on links to The New Yorker, I’d like to direct you to Jane Kramer’s take on the controversy from the Feb. 27 issue.

It’s the kind of take I like: Firm in its defense of free speech as a democratic ideal, but more interested in the root causes of the cartoon controversy than in self-congratulatory remarks about the West’s righteousness. And, to be clear: I don’t gravitate toward this kind of take because, as has been suggested, I’m white-guilt-ridden and fond of self-flagellation. I gravitate toward this approach because I think this is a problem that can’t be solved by hectoring alone.

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This is no time for the calm voice of reason. We have to polarize, lest the arbiters of True Freedom** brand us ankle grabbing, freedom hating, terrorist sympathizing traitors. To arms! Pick your side!

**Contains less than 2 percent truth or liberty.

Hee-haw, David.

Love ya anyway, Dan.

Or, as travelling salesman Rick Steves puts it:

The greatest risk to our society today is not Islamo-fascist terrorism, but the people who use that term to scare us.

Dan Savage as the greatest risk to our society, now that's going a bit far.

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