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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Presidential Fallout

Posted by on January 11 at 15:20 PM

Earlier this week, supporters of council presidential hopeful Jean Godden proposed forcing a vote on the presidency while Tom Rasmussen, part of a four-member council bloc supporting Richard Conlin, was out of the country, giving Godden the presidency by a 4-3 majority. (Ever since Conlin supporter Jim Compton resigned, the council’s remaining eight members have been split 4-4 between Conlin and Godden.) Today, Rasmussen’s staff confirmed that he is cutting his vacation short, coming back from Ecuador a week early to weigh in on the decision. Rasmussen’s return brings the council back to its previous 4-4 deadlock, solving nothing. Personally, I think Jean Godden should pay for his ticket.

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Shouldn't Conlin pay for his ticket? Rasmussen's early arrival secures a vote for Conlin. Sure, it maintains deadlock, but it also prevents an underhanded vote for Godden.

(Nick for President!)

Actually, seems like it's Drago that ought to be paying for the ticket. As the presiding Council President she could quell or table the entire matter in a heartbeat. At least that's what would normally expect of the Council President.

Rasmussen's arrival doesn't "secure a vote for Conlin" - it just reinstates the previous, totally pointless deadlock. Fairness would dictate that since Godden is the one whose actions led Rasmussen to cut his vacation short, Godden oughta pay for it.

And, yeah, Nick for president. Pass it on.

What is with City Councilpeople taking vacations in January while the council is in session? It makes me sick that we elect and pay these people to govern us.

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