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Monday, January 9, 2006

I Told You So

Posted by on January 9 at 13:15 PM

So, last week I filed a column of New Year’s predictions.
Here was the first one on my list:

State Republican Chairman Chris Vance. In the wake of Paul Berendt’s resignation, the spotlight is currently on the state Democratic Party and Berendt’s likely successor, Dwight Pelz. But the focus will shift to the Republicans later this year when their current state chair, Chris Vance, resigns, taking a lower-profile gig. (That court case in Chelan County just didn’t work out as planned, and the voter-challenge fiasco was an embarrassing follow-up.)

Well, this just in from the State Republican Party

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Chris Vance January 9, 2006 (206) 575-2900 Vance to step down as state chair Seattle, WA — Below is a copy of the memo Chairman Chris Vance sent to the Republican State Committee earlier today announcing his intent to resign. An election for Chairman will be held on Saturday, January 28. To: State Committee From: Chris Vance Date: 1/9/06 Re:         Resignation, Effective January 28 I am writing to notify you of my intention to resign as WSRP Chairman, effective upon the election of my successor at our meeting on January 28. I have been deeply honored and gratified to serve you and our Republican candidates and office holders these past five years, but as a husband and father I need to make decisions that are in the best interest of my family, and that means taking advantage of opportunities I now have in the private sector. This is a difficult decision driven by personal, not political considerations.

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Bastards. You beat me to it again. I just posted this to Washblog with a little contemplation on choices for a new chair. Reed Davis, maybe? Bradley Klippert (to keep them in touch with Eastern Washington voters, dontchaknow)? Maybe a little "here's a job, please leave McGavick alone" for Susan Hutchison?

Or maybe something to keep Dino Rossi busy between now and the end of 2007...Verrrrry interesting!

Oh, and to echo Geek: Mad props on predicting this. Woot!

i will miss the quippy quotes.

I'm going to miss what was shaping up to be a Pelz/Vance laser light show.

Nice job Josh! It is a good thing you put likely in front of Dwight's name because the State Dem race looks like it may be between Mark Hintz and Laura Ruderman.

I'll be impressed when your predictions all come true in the order you listed them. Then I'll know you're in touch with the cosmic unconsciousness.

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