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Monday, January 9, 2006

Re: Who the hell is JT Leroy

Posted by on January 9 at 13:32 PM

The New York Times piece is good, but New York Magazine busted JT Leroy months ago. Check out this take-down/take-apart by Stephen Beachy.

At least one Stranger reader is pretty pissed about the JT Leroy scam. From the Comment section of an earlier post about Leroy:

This has me outraged. I am all for tricksters and fakes, ala Orson Welles (even Genet understood the power of the fake), but this is something else. It appears that a straight, white, middle class woman pretended to be a homeless, abused, junkie, whore, HIV positive gay man/transgendered person in order to sell books (and, apparently, some crappy cd’s). The damage that this does to people who have experienced actual traumas and worked hard to give expression to their experience in a literary and artistic form is incalculable…. This is such a huge embarassment for so many people. And, as funny as hell as this story is (wigs and glasses), I think people should be reminded that this goes way beyond the travesty of faking hate crimes. This is using trauma and abuse to sell hip, indie product. FUCKERS. Fuckers, fuckers, fuckers, fuckers. Goddamn middle class str8 white fuckers who never experienced anything even remotely traumatic, and who don’t have the slightest idea what it’s like to actually live through something traumatic AND try to express yourself on top of it. Fuckers. That’s what these people are.

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What does this mean? It means that showbiz is a brutal fucking business to break into and if you need to be a charlatan to do it, it doesn't make you any less of a talent than the many artists who owe their continued success to the whims of fashion or caprice.

Great authors are great storytellers, and if JT Leroy is nothing what he/she claims to be, that just makes the writer that much better of a storyteller in my book—it means the storytelling went beyond the books and into the biography of the writer, something that rarely happens. I don't check for complete authenticity that the writers I like went through all the trauma they've depicted in print before I give in to enjoying them...I base my judgments on the writing. Of course no one likes to feel like an idiot for getting duped, but at the same time, I do love a good story.

And speaking of author's playing fast and loose with the whole memoir thing, have people seen take apart Oprah's friend James Frey and his book "A Million Little Pieces"?

A book I've actually been enjoying (if anyone really cares to know what an anonymous jackass is enjoying).

But remember that Keats theorized about the "negative capability" of an artist who can imagine and recreate lives that he or she had never lived, nor could ever live. So why should we care that a white straight female author didn't suffer the same experience as her protagonists...that she fabricates the voice of experience? Hmmm. It seems art has never cared less about offending you...and exposing your false expectations. But what of your investment in her tortured personas? Did you look there and see Truth and Beauty? If so, this author merely profited from your silly fetish.

The problem is, Jennifer, Leroy profited from silly-fetish-horror-story-memoir genre with horrible writing. Golden subject matter - fabulism never bothers us. Horrible writing, on the other hand...

Of course, maybe the subpar prose is a part of the act. Now that would be brilliant.

Yeah...ok. I absolutely get that it's bad to proclaim yourself as damaged and disadvantaged in order to generate funds, and how by doing so it harms those who are actually damaged and disadvantaged, and lessens the achievement of those who triumphed. Yawn.

Jesus I'm a cynic. Didn't anyone else out there feel the bullshit before this? And to be perfectly honest, I didn't really care then, and I still don't care. Why? Because with all the crap that is published on a regular basis and touted as "A Fantastic Read!" and "The Voice of a Generation!" I felt these books were, well, good. Regular readers of pretty much anything will agree that to find "good" in a sea of shit makes you happy you didn't waste your time.

There are bigger, badder liars out there.

Scams like this work because people want to believe there's some disadvantaged victim out there like this. Not that there aren't but most of them have no means to ever bring their story to our attention. Buying JT's books made a lot of people feel real good about themselves. I'm reminded of the time that Jim and Debbie Goad of the 90s zine Answer Me made a fake zine which they purported was written by lesbians in rural Kentucky which they sent to some of Answer Me's harshest critics. These critics immediately fawned over the zine and expressed sympathy for the plight that the fake authors were suffering out their in the sticks with all the narrow-minded rednecks around. I think anyone who really pays attention to what the literati are saying can sell them what they want.

About this whole JT Leroy extravaganza.. I think it is fabulously post modern....A writer that pretends to be a 25 yr old bi guy for is transgendered who is really the author's sister-in-law? Does anyone else not see shades of Victor/Victoria here? or even Cindy Sherman type image manipulation? What celeb doesn't manipulate their image? And besides the fact that a million bleeding hearts fell to the ploy... its kinda darn funny.I know this is a tad old news.. but obviously there is a need from child prostitute turned literay darling taht was filled by Leroy.

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