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Thursday, December 1, 2005

Strangercrombie Bonanza!

Posted by on December 1 at 11:59 AM

So next week’s Stranger brings the Strangercrombie Gift Catalog, which we’re busily cramming together at this moment.

But, damn, we’ve got some amazing shit this year, including but not limited to:

*An original Almost Famous shooting script signed by Cameron Crowe!

*The New York Times beloved “The Ethicist”, aka Randy Cohen, answers your ethical dilemma!

*A host-your-own night at the Pacific Science Center’s Laser Dome, featuring the music of your choice!


*A case of Jones Soda, custom designed with the photo and message of your choice!

And so, so, so, so, so much more….with every single item available for purchase during the Strangercrombie online holiday gift auction, starting next week.

Strangercrombie 2005: Because people don’t try to shoot you when you shop on your computer.™