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Monday, December 5, 2005

Driven to Hate: Ford Action #2

Posted by on December 5 at 12:12 PM

From Americablog

Second Ford Motor Company action of the day: Call them

For this afternoon’s action, please contact the same Ford marketing people by phone this time. They’re apparently now blocking their email accounts, which means you got to them. Now phone them.

Steve Lyons: 313-845-1621
Mae Smith: 313-845-1510
Terri Cavanaugh: 313-845-0580

As always, be nice but firm, and don’t threaten them or do anything else obnoxious. Leave that kind of behavior to America’s Taliban. But do make clear that their company is toast.

Background on what Ford has done. Amongst other things, you might want to ask Ford if they’d pull their ads from African-American or Jewish publications if the Klan objected?

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Perhaps we should be calling local Ford Dealers? I'm sure urban car dealers don't want to loose the queer customers and will know who to talk to. If you've purchased a ford or are in the market for a car locally you should give your dealer a call.

Not a bad idea—we'll get a list of local Ford dealers together.

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