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Thursday, September 15, 2005

A funny thing happened on the way to the printer

Posted by on September 15 at 10:25 AM

A very annoying and prominent error appears in Dave Eggers’s audience review in this week’s printed issue. You will find it at the end of the second paragraph. What’s missing is half of the last sentence of the second paragraph, and then the entire third paragraph. It’s a short paragraph, but it’s necessary.

This is my fault. I’m the editor who signs off on this page. But in case you’re curious, here’s what happened: somewhere in the process of getting the page ready to go to the printer, a chunk of text was highlighted, and then someone — who knows — typed the letter z. As the page went off to be committed to history, no one saw this (and at least six eyes looked).

This is especially embarrassing because Eggers is a great writer who’s never written for The Stranger before, and we are thrilled to have him in this issue. Check out the correct piece here. It’s a great piece. It made another one of the editors here almost cry.