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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Re: The Weekly’s 54 SPJ Awards…

Posted by on May 25 at 12:06 PM

So wrote up a blurb on the SPJ awards (as you may recall, their meaninglessness was outlined in Dan’s eloquent rant yesterday. Essentially, Dan explained that we spend our energy putting out a kick-ass paper every week, instead of filling out paperwork to win silly awards.)

Seattle Weekly managing editor Chuck Taylor responded to Seattlest’s request for commenton an internal SW email gloating about the awards they just won—with this choice quote:

“[Awards] reward a craving for recognition, and what people in media actually need is more humility.”

Oh really? People in media need more humility? Is that why the Seattle Weekly, likely under your direction as the managing editor, enters dozens and dozens and dozens of stories, covers, photos, and features packages, at $15 a pop, to the SPJ awards? Hmmm. Now that’s humility. Way to lead the charge there, Chuck.