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« Re: The Weekly's 54 SPJ Awards... | Jim Jarmusch »

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Posted by on May 25 at 12:25 PM

Amy & Dan, Methinks U Doth Protest Too Much.
Awards are nice to win. Let Chuck have that.
We made a half-hearted effort to submit stuff (I think news submitted a total of 6 things this year) spread over 4 or 5 categories. Obviously, that half-hearted effort (I’m not even sure if we got all the entries in on time), diminishes our chances when the Weekly is flooding the contest.
Maybe it costs too much for us to flood the contest or maybe we don’t care about the contest much.
But, back in 2000 and 2001, we made an effort to submit our stuff & we walked away with a couple of first places in news reporting and arts coverage. I’m proud of that, SPJ scam or not.