Just watch it. (Have you already seen it? Has it already been on Slog? YouTube says it was made in June. If you’ve already seen it, send it to someone in Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, or Oregon why dontcha.)
This is kind of off-topic, but did anyone hear Obama talking about the pig/lipstick crap this morning? Pretty awesome:
Some of you may have -- I'm assuming you guys have heard this, watching the news. I'm talking about John McCain's economic politics, I say, "This is more of the same, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig."
And suddenly they say, "Oh, you must be talking about the governor of Alaska."
[Laughter from audience]
See it would be funny, it would be funny except -- of course the news media all decided that that was the lead story yesterday. They'd much rather have the story -- this is the McCain campaign -- would much rather have the story about phony and foolish diversions than about the future.
This happens every election cycle. Every four years. This is what we do. We've got an energy crisis. We have an education system that is not working for too many of our children and making us less competitive. We have an economy that is creating hardship for families all across America. We've got two wars going on, veterans coming home not being cared for -- and this is what they want to talk about! this is what they want to spend two of the last 55 days talking about.
You know who ends up losing at the end of the day? It's not the Democratic candidate, It's not the Republican candidate. It's you, the American people. because then we go another year or another four years or another eight years without addressing the issues that matter to you. Enough.
I don't care what they say about me, but I love this country too much to let them take over another election with lies and phony outrage and swift-boat politics. Enough is enough.
Posted by
Georgia Guy |
September 10, 2008 8:44 AM
1) The economy. It's bad, and our deficit and national debt are primary causes. Do you REALLY think a national health insurance plan will HELP this?
2) Responsibility. The economy is only going to get worse due to the actions of the last 8 years. Even if the next president is able to turn it around, you won't see the effects for 3 years. This means that no matter who is in office next will take the blame for the bad policies of the last 8 years. Make the republicans take responsibility for this!
3) Long-term strategy. The republicans will destroy themselves if given enough rope. Getting democratic control now, before the party is destroyed, means they'll come back in four years stronger than ever. Let them kill themselves, let the brand become so associated with failure that no one will identify as republican.
See, the problem is that the Republican party's failure and the federal government's failure are too closely tied together. So yes, we can give the Republicans four more years to hang themselves, but they'll undoubtedly take the country with them. We can't afford to risk that.
Wow. You people actually believe the lies the democrats tell you. Sorry but the government can not solve this nations problems by taxing more and then waisting those taxes. Redistribution of wealth only makes those dependent on the government even more so. There is not such thing as free healthcare. Those countries with universal healthcare have close to double the amount of taxes held out of their paychecks. Take your tin hats off stop hugging the trees so hard and realize its the freedoms we have that make this a great country. The government getting bigger is only going to take more of those freedoms away. The more dependent you are on anything the more power that subject has over you. Lower taxes and get the government out of our lives.
Posted by
Proud Conservative |
September 10, 2008 11:20 AM
@10: You can't possibly be serious. This administration has made a habit of spending money like it's going out of style. There isn't a doubt in my mind that if we end up with another "conservative" administration, we'll only end up continuing our spending spree and destroy our reputation in the international community.
You strike me as the kind of conservative who demands less government intrusion in your life yet you support a gay marriage ban and not a straight marriage ban.
@11: I have the intelligence to differentiate between lies and truth. Sorry you cannot, as that is the true sadness here.
@12: You response shows how little you know about our government. The democratic congress and senate make/made the budget. Bush has just not vetoed anything, which is a sad thing I agree. Of the two candidates one promises to raise taxes (i.e. spend more too) and the other says he will not raise taxes (i.e. not spend more). If McCain continues to approve all the wasteful spending the dems want, we conservatives may have to start our own new party and get someone in there who will reign in spending. Your own candidate and most of the democrats have been approving the budget for the war they say they are against. You are correct marriage is between a man and woman not man/man woman/woman. Its been that way for thousands of years. I do support a ban on gay marriage and will continue to forever and I have gay friends and family members. Does not make you a bad person to want to protect the sanctity of marriage between a woman and man. I do agree like most republicans that gay domestic partnerships should be allowed and licensed.
Why are you libs so concerned about what the international community thinks of us. Who gives a shit about how they feel about us. They are more than happy to take our jobs, money, etc. and then ask us to defend their freedom when it is needed. Both my Grandfathers fought and bleed in Germany and Japan so those assholes would have freedom. Screw the international community. I only care about the U.S.A. If they do not like us then tell them to stop putting their hands out wanting our $$ and jobs.
By the way, the economy is not nearly as bad as all you dems say. Unemployment is still approximately 6%. That means 94% have jobs. That is better than almost every country in the world. France's (you know your socialist friends) unemployment rate has been between 8 and 10% for the last 6 years. They are so unhappy with that they elected a conservative president and are moving away from socialism. They recently did away with the 35 hour work week. The U.S. has not been over 7% in decades. You libs keep pushing us farther and farther toward socialism which is just a step away from communism. And why is it that most communist countries have dictators that oppress its citizens. Its because communism/socialism gives to much power to the government.
Posted by
Proud Conservative |
September 10, 2008 1:32 PM
Obama Passes the Global Test The Republican Convention and the debut of Sarah Palin might have given John McCain a "bounce" in the polls, but the BBC notes a severe weakness in the GOP nominee's support:
People outside the US would prefer Barack Obama to become US president ahead of John McCain, a BBC World Service poll suggests.
Democrat Mr Obama was favoured by a four-to-one margin across the 22,500 people polled in 22 countries.
Here's a complete list of the countries included in the poll, along with the number of electoral votes in each:
Australia (0) Brazil (0) Canada (0) China (0) Egypt (0) France (0) Germany (0) India (0) Indonesia (0) Italy (0) Kenya (0) Lebanon (0) Mexico (0) Nigeria (0) Panama (0) Philippines (0) Poland (0) Russia (0) Singapore (0) Turkey (0) United Arab Emirates (0) United Kingdom (0)
Posted by
Proud Republican |
September 10, 2008 2:12 PM
@13: "I do support a ban on gay marriage and will continue to forever and I have gay friends and family members." That's the kind of statement in line with white people who say racist shit and then follow it up with "it's ok, my best friend is black" to cleanse their mind of the very thought they might be racist. Your attitude is homophobic, but beyond that, it's hypocritical that you think gays should not have the same rights as straight people and would seek to maintain that status quo through the very thing you want less of: *government intrusion*. That's the point I was making.
Your xenophobia and homophobia are not healthy attitudes to have. Stop buying into the culture of fear. You'll be a happier person.
Register to vote, then double check to make sure you're really registered.
My ballot and my partner's ballot were returned instead of delivered in April. We were removed from the absentee voter list. We've been voting by mail at this address since 2003. No one has any idea what happened or why, and it took some legwork to fix. The State "MyVote" website couldn't help us, and Sam Reed's office was friendly but made it clear it was King County's problem.
I really think this video fans the flames of partisan politics. I think it's amusing to people on the Left, but likely insulting to those on the Right. Not long after it's original posting, I found this disgusting rebuttal by Ben Shapiro on Townhall.com: http://townhall.com/Columnists/BenShapiro/2008/06/18/why_im_voting_democrat
Yes. This has been on Slog. And I'm voting Republican because it's cool to be a minority.
It's still a great video, and well worth seeing again. Thanks
This is kind of off-topic, but did anyone hear Obama talking about the pig/lipstick crap this morning? Pretty awesome:
Some of you may have -- I'm assuming you guys have heard this, watching the news. I'm talking about John McCain's economic politics, I say, "This is more of the same, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig."
And suddenly they say, "Oh, you must be talking about the governor of Alaska."
[Laughter from audience]
See it would be funny, it would be funny except -- of course the news media all decided that that was the lead story yesterday. They'd much rather have the story -- this is the McCain campaign -- would much rather have the story about phony and foolish diversions than about the future.
This happens every election cycle. Every four years. This is what we do. We've got an energy crisis. We have an education system that is not working for too many of our children and making us less competitive. We have an economy that is creating hardship for families all across America. We've got two wars going on, veterans coming home not being cared for -- and this is what they want to talk about! this is what they want to spend two of the last 55 days talking about.
You know who ends up losing at the end of the day? It's not the Democratic candidate, It's not the Republican candidate. It's you, the American people. because then we go another year or another four years or another eight years without addressing the issues that matter to you. Enough.
I don't care what they say about me, but I love this country too much to let them take over another election with lies and phony outrage and swift-boat politics. Enough is enough.
Here's why, and why you should, too.
1) The economy. It's bad, and our deficit and national debt are primary causes. Do you REALLY think a national health insurance plan will HELP this?
2) Responsibility. The economy is only going to get worse due to the actions of the last 8 years. Even if the next president is able to turn it around, you won't see the effects for 3 years. This means that no matter who is in office next will take the blame for the bad policies of the last 8 years. Make the republicans take responsibility for this!
3) Long-term strategy. The republicans will destroy themselves if given enough rope. Getting democratic control now, before the party is destroyed, means they'll come back in four years stronger than ever. Let them kill themselves, let the brand become so associated with failure that no one will identify as republican.
@4 Your name suits you.
The republicans will destroy themselves if given enough rope
Will? Have.
McCain's vp?
See, the problem is that the Republican party's failure and the federal government's failure are too closely tied together. So yes, we can give the Republicans four more years to hang themselves, but they'll undoubtedly take the country with them. We can't afford to risk that.
@4, I recall that some people made that argument in 2004. It made as much sense to me then.
Wow. You people actually believe the lies the democrats tell you. Sorry but the government can not solve this nations problems by taxing more and then waisting those taxes. Redistribution of wealth only makes those dependent on the government even more so. There is not such thing as free healthcare. Those countries with universal healthcare have close to double the amount of taxes held out of their paychecks. Take your tin hats off stop hugging the trees so hard and realize its the freedoms we have that make this a great country. The government getting bigger is only going to take more of those freedoms away. The more dependent you are on anything the more power that subject has over you. Lower taxes and get the government out of our lives.
@10: Ah, but you obviously believe the lies Conservatives tell you, which is far, far sadder.
Go eat some Uncrustables.
@10: You can't possibly be serious. This administration has made a habit of spending money like it's going out of style. There isn't a doubt in my mind that if we end up with another "conservative" administration, we'll only end up continuing our spending spree and destroy our reputation in the international community.
You strike me as the kind of conservative who demands less government intrusion in your life yet you support a gay marriage ban and not a straight marriage ban.
@11: I have the intelligence to differentiate between lies and truth. Sorry you cannot, as that is the true sadness here.
@12: You response shows how little you know about our government. The democratic congress and senate make/made the budget. Bush has just not vetoed anything, which is a sad thing I agree. Of the two candidates one promises to raise taxes (i.e. spend more too) and the other says he will not raise taxes (i.e. not spend more). If McCain continues to approve all the wasteful spending the dems want, we conservatives may have to start our own new party and get someone in there who will reign in spending. Your own candidate and most of the democrats have been approving the budget for the war they say they are against. You are correct marriage is between a man and woman not man/man woman/woman. Its been that way for thousands of years. I do support a ban on gay marriage and will continue to forever and I have gay friends and family members. Does not make you a bad person to want to protect the sanctity of marriage between a woman and man. I do agree like most republicans that gay domestic partnerships should be allowed and licensed.
Why are you libs so concerned about what the international community thinks of us. Who gives a shit about how they feel about us. They are more than happy to take our jobs, money, etc. and then ask us to defend their freedom when it is needed. Both my Grandfathers fought and bleed in Germany and Japan so those assholes would have freedom. Screw the international community. I only care about the U.S.A. If they do not like us then tell them to stop putting their hands out wanting our $$ and jobs.
By the way, the economy is not nearly as bad as all you dems say. Unemployment is still approximately 6%. That means 94% have jobs. That is better than almost every country in the world. France's (you know your socialist friends) unemployment rate has been between 8 and 10% for the last 6 years. They are so unhappy with that they elected a conservative president and are moving away from socialism. They recently did away with the 35 hour work week. The U.S. has not been over 7% in decades. You libs keep pushing us farther and farther toward socialism which is just a step away from communism. And why is it that most communist countries have dictators that oppress its citizens. Its because communism/socialism gives to much power to the government.
Obama Passes the Global Test The Republican Convention and the debut of Sarah Palin might have given John McCain a "bounce" in the polls, but the BBC notes a severe weakness in the GOP nominee's support:
People outside the US would prefer Barack Obama to become US president ahead of John McCain, a BBC World Service poll suggests.
Democrat Mr Obama was favoured by a four-to-one margin across the 22,500 people polled in 22 countries.
Here's a complete list of the countries included in the poll, along with the number of electoral votes in each:
Australia (0) Brazil (0) Canada (0) China (0) Egypt (0) France (0) Germany (0) India (0) Indonesia (0) Italy (0) Kenya (0) Lebanon (0) Mexico (0) Nigeria (0) Panama (0) Philippines (0) Poland (0) Russia (0) Singapore (0) Turkey (0) United Arab Emirates (0) United Kingdom (0)
@13: "I do support a ban on gay marriage and will continue to forever and I have gay friends and family members." That's the kind of statement in line with white people who say racist shit and then follow it up with "it's ok, my best friend is black" to cleanse their mind of the very thought they might be racist. Your attitude is homophobic, but beyond that, it's hypocritical that you think gays should not have the same rights as straight people and would seek to maintain that status quo through the very thing you want less of: *government intrusion*. That's the point I was making.
Your xenophobia and homophobia are not healthy attitudes to have. Stop buying into the culture of fear. You'll be a happier person.
Register to vote, then double check to make sure you're really registered.
My ballot and my partner's ballot were returned instead of delivered in April. We were removed from the absentee voter list. We've been voting by mail at this address since 2003. No one has any idea what happened or why, and it took some legwork to fix. The State "MyVote" website couldn't help us, and Sam Reed's office was friendly but made it clear it was King County's problem.
We voted in the primary, but barely.
Check your status, and tell your friends.
I really think this video fans the flames of partisan politics. I think it's amusing to people on the Left, but likely insulting to those on the Right. Not long after it's original posting, I found this disgusting rebuttal by Ben Shapiro on Townhall.com: http://townhall.com/Columnists/BenShapiro/2008/06/18/why_im_voting_democrat
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