Sex Okay, Who’s the Fag Taking Pictures for the Catholic League?
posted by October 1 at 12:12 PM
onBill Donohue’s Catholic League launched a boycott of Miller Brewing Company last week over the beer company’s sponsorship of the Folsom Street Fair, part of the fallout over Folsom Street Fair’s “Last Supper” poster. Along with a big statement announcing of the boycott, the Catholic League posted three pages worth of shocking—disturbing! horrifying! disgusting!—photos taken at the Folsom Street Fair between 2003-2006.
Here’s one pic the Catholic League posted to its website…
Wow. Hot fucking dude. Here’s another dude from the Catholic League’s website…
Hot. Nice abs. And here’s another dude from the Catholic League’s collection of Folsom Street Fair snaps…
Man. Crazyass goats-eye contact lenses, but great tits and shoulders. So many hot, conventionally attractive dudes—what are the odds?
Pretty long, as it turns out.
Stranger columnist Mistress Matisse attended Folsom Street Fair 2007—which took place yesterday, with Miller staying on as sponsor despite Donohue’s boycott—and sent me a mess of pictures she took. I was struck by how different Matisse’s pics were from the ones posted on the Catholic League’s website. Matisse’s got some pics of conventionally attractive kinksters enjoying Folsom…
…but Matisse’s pics also included a lot of un-conventionally attractive people—and lots of straight people—enjoying themselves at San Francisco’s leather/BDSM/fetish street party. You know, all the people absent from the Catholic League’s website. People like this opposite-sex couple. Or these guys with their imperfect bodies. Or guys that are just a little too hairy
Hm. Based on what the Catholic League chose to show us about Folsom, it would seem that the Catholic League’s photographer—or Bill Donohue himself, or whoever chose the photos for the Catholic League’s website—has a thing for jocks and beefy guys with hairy tits. I mean, check out the hot guys here , here, and here—all from the Catholic League’s website. Whoever was choosing photos for the Catholic League’s website doesn’t just like firm, hairy man tit, but firm, hairy man ass too.
There are tons of conventionally hot homos at Folsom. But hot homos aren’t the only folks at Folsom—after all, hot, straight bi Matisse was there. Yet conventionally hot guys—and a few conventionally hot girls—are pretty much the only thing the Catholic League wanted to show us. Why do you suppose that is?
Could it be that a homo with a taste for hairy muscular men has infiltrated the Catholic League? Or is it true what they say about groups like the Catholic League—that they show up at gay and sex-positive events and take “shocking” pictures on behalf of their frustrated, closeted, and deeply jealous members?
As a non-bdsm'ing athiest I would just like to say:
Could it be that a homo with a taste for hairy muscular men has infiltrated the Catholic League?
That is too funny... Could it be, gee I wonder.
I was raised Catholic and I have a lot of stories I could share about Gay Priests who now have left the priesthood and are living happily ever after. My family was very "touched" by gay and straight priests and that is no joke.
I wonder could it be?
yum- glad I followed the link:
please label these NSFW, as they are. don't get me fired!
You must be mistaken. Right there on their web page logo it says:
"Catholic League - For religious and civil rights."
I wonder if the Catholics picked the photos they did to arouse envy in the viewer. It's easier to hate the freaks when they're hot than when they remind you of your own tubby ass.
So, do you think they just stole those images from the photographers, or do you think they properly licensed them?
Well, as a practicing Catholic, I am very proud of the pictures that the Cathlic League chose. It shows that the Catholic church, once one of the great supporter of arts and iconography, still has good taste (even when they consider it bad taste.) Yum. I would have gone to the fair if I thought those were the guys I would meet. The regular people... I am forced to see them everywhere, don't make me see them without clothes, too.
i swear the ugliest people on earth descend upon SF for folsom. that photographer has a pretty keen eye, cuz the hot ones are pretty few and far between. the odds of someone snapping random photos finding mostly hot, mostly hairy, mostly buff guys are pretty slim.
the dead giveaway though is that hairy ass close up! i mean, for realz - if you want to show the dark side of folsom, there are plenty more disturbing things they could have photographed than a moneyshot of someone's - *gasp!* - bare ass.
god, i love this shit.
A google search for "fred alert" gives:
Is it possible these were used without permission? Shame on the Catholic League!
Ok, that link is now to a page under construction - but the cached page is still available:
OMG. I'll be back in ten minutes after I finish wanking over the picture of the hot, HOT, HOT Gaysian.
LOL - I know Mr. "Crazyass goats-eye contact lenses" - he is one of the hotties here in Chicago.
Assuming these pics were taken by a professional, it's not a surprise that a professional photographer would rather shoot good looking people. It's no conspiracy... sheesh, it's the same reason my wedding photographer took a lot more shots of our good looking friends than she did of our frumpy relatives.
Yea, I have not finished talking about the hundreds of Catholic Priest that paid for my services. Fucking hypocrites. I am not gone as many as them would like. I will be back.
Gee. Could it be that these images were simply culled from the 'net? From somewhere like, I dunno, the events archives of or somesuch?
um, you could just do some journalism and Google "Fred McMullen," which is on most all of the photos. You don't have to speculate.
Last I checked Matisse wasn't straight.
There are a ton of normal, average people at Folsom, and some incredibly good looking folks too, either way, everyone's having a good time. The photographer was probably just focusing on what draws the eye, like furry man-tits and hard abs.
I'm not a psychiatrist, but maybe they did it so the closet cases get aroused, and then angrier because of getting aroused by gay dudes?
Also, it is easier to get through all the pics when they look THAT good!
Probably no conspiracy, I agree. But all of those photos--frumpy folk AND perfectly toned friends--are priceless. Cool post.
It seems pretty simple to me -- they're keeping it about FAGS, not heteros.
Hatred towards Christians and Islamo-Fascists is Tikkum Olam. Iran hates gays so much they won't admit they exist and Christians hate gays so much they take photos of them.
Only Judaism is a true religion, and in Israel the Gay Pride Parade is celebrated by all Jews. That's why Judaism is the world's best religion.
damn, that was hot.
thanks catholick league
You can always count on conservative Catholics to provide the very best in homo-erotica.
I'm sure their principal objection to the Folsom Street Fair is that the play only takes place between consenting adults. That's not in keeping with church tradition at all.
Bill Donahue and his ilk simply don't want people to have fun and enjoy their sex lives.
As for the photo of the fit Asian guy, he looks great. The tied-up, hooded guy behind him? Scary. I didn't like that at all.
The article from the Catholic League has been updated to include the following:
"Catholic Online is hosting this section of Catholic League due to traffic volume."
Also? It seems that the intrepid reporter from whom that the Catholic League licensed the pictures of the debauchery (Fred Alert)? Yeah, well, he's the same photographer who produced the Last Supper photograph used to promote the event.
Issur, who are you kidding? Stop trolling.
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