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Friday, August 3, 2007

The Future Is Now

posted by on August 3 at 11:27 AM

This is George Jetson and his family.


This is the M200G Volantor.


It takes off and lands vertically, hovers at three meters, has a top speed of 50 mph, and is currently in production by Moller International.

(On a semi-related note, while doing a Google image search for The Jetsons, I stumbled across this, which is just so, so wrong—not to mention completely NSFW.)

Update: In the comments, “Monkey” writes: “Moller’s other flying car is much much sexier.” Indeed it is:


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I'm confused. If the future is now, how come the people in the M200G Volantor are clearly in the year 1976?

Posted by Callie | August 3, 2007 11:42 AM

Moller's other flying car is much much sexier.

Speaking of sexier, you MIGHT want to tag that link as NSFW seeing as how IT FUCKING IS!

Posted by monkey | August 3, 2007 11:43 AM

I do have a birthday coming up. I wonder if they do layaway.

Posted by Thom | August 3, 2007 12:07 PM

pff, that Jetsons porn is the tip of a very large iceberg of drawn porn.

I mean, the dog and kids aren't even involved, and there's no gore at all.

Posted by Jordyn | August 3, 2007 12:18 PM

I shudder to think of the car crashes with those machines......

Posted by Cato the Younger Younger | August 3, 2007 12:25 PM

Looks like an update of the old AVRO "Flying Saucer" developed for the U.S. Airforce back in the late 1950's.

And probably about as aerodynamically unstable, considering they had the thing tethered to a crane for the demo.

Besides, it's not a REAL Jetson's Flying Car unless it folds up into a suitcase at the touch of a button...

Posted by COMTE | August 3, 2007 12:33 PM

Moller's a G. What's far more interesting than his car designs are his thoughts on removing humans from the seat of control in the act of driving. He's all about safe, gridlock free travel.

You bike nazis who think china's way of life is something to aim for should dare to imagine a world like Moller sees. If those jetcars were eco safe, affordable and solved all traffic issues wouldn't that be superior to the quaint old world technology you're pushing.

Revert to bikes? Should we shut down the internet too?

Posted by Sir Elton | August 3, 2007 12:35 PM

I want that guy's sweater. It is a sweater, isn't it?

Posted by Michigan Matt | August 3, 2007 1:00 PM

The Moller flying-car-thingy isn't just the car. He's proposing a technological network of systems to take a lot of the human element out of flying the car, in order to make it safer. As said above, imagine your idiot neighbors and their kids flying the damn things all over, imagine the carnage that would result.

His flying car will rely on computer navigation and control systems that haven't yet been built in order for the car to be practical. Without massive amounts of capital and the backing of the government it just won't happen.

Posted by Dr_Awesome | August 3, 2007 1:07 PM

Hey, is that Frank Chopp in the orange sweater?

Posted by N in Seattle | August 3, 2007 1:11 PM

@6: Aerodynamic instability is easily conquered with computers. Less likely to be remedied is the enormous fuel consumption of such designs. These kinds of directed-thrust craft have a way of making conventional small aircraft look like models of efficiency.

Posted by Orv | August 3, 2007 1:45 PM


The kids are involved. Isn't that George's daughter sucking him off?

Posted by keshmeshi | August 3, 2007 1:50 PM

Luddites and Neophobes.

"Who needs one of them damn carphones anyway?"

Posted by Hogfat | August 3, 2007 1:54 PM

Don't forget about the jetpacks rocketbelts.

Posted by Carl Ballard | August 3, 2007 2:18 PM

Before anyone gets too enthusiastic, keep in mind that Moller has been promising the Moon (and defrauding investors) for several decades and still has not managed to produce one single machine which is actually capable of going anywhere.

Posted by Mike | August 3, 2007 2:41 PM


Oh, is it? I haven't watched the Jetsons in a while; I forget who's who (among the Jetsons).

Still, no animals, no gore? I have seen way way worse. Horrible, hilarious things.

Posted by Jordyn | August 3, 2007 3:22 PM

#13 and #7: Fuck flying cars. You think I want a bunch of assholes zipping around all day in the skies above the city? Not only is it highly, highly unsafe to have idiot drivers moving at will through the sky- every car accident would be a disaster, one moderate impact and you've turned a house into a crater- but it would also be horrifically ugly and a source of extreme noise pollution, not to mention other forms of pollution probably. So no thanks. I'll put up with cars on the ground. But the moment someone tries implement an individually owned flying car based transportation system, I'll al Qaeda their fucking HQ myself.

If you want flying ambulances, firetrucks, and public transit, things that make practical sense in other words, I'm right there with you. But I'm not going to live in a world where private citizens can fly above my head, where the sky is full of loud objects obstructing my sky and raining noise upon me.

Posted by Jay | August 3, 2007 4:51 PM

Dude, you ain't gonna Al-Qaeda a fucking thing so let's just cut the crap.

Second, it's real that mankind is constantly converging with it's machines. To the point where it feels really alien to refer to an iPhone as a machine.

Right now teenagers are multitasking in their sleep and we are all slowly becoming acquainted with programming routines in the casual use of our devices. Quit fucking underestimating humanity. Who raised you shook motherfuckers? Seriously.

Moving parts are going to be obsolete in all machinery by the turn of the century and all machines will be so fucking sentient that casual users will be expert programmers and most people will be casual users at the very least.

That whole,"sleepwalking through a fully automated future world" bullshit from the Jetsons will never, ever happen. We are not going to stop evolving and converging with our creations. Get it right, dummy. Also, there is no chance a gross polluter is going to get anywhere in this day and age.

Just to placate your silly ass, the likelihood of flying cars actually coming to fruition is very slim
because the scared-ass-caveman with access to explosives to visionary pioneer ratio in this world is grossly fucking out of balance. But if and when, your scared ass can rest assured, they will seldom be piloted by anything other than a very safe and reliable machine.

In the world we're building right now though,locating food and a clean water supply will be the only thing you have to worry about.

Posted by Some Of You Fuckers Are Just Handing The Executioners The Bullets | August 4, 2007 12:24 AM

You're a strange person. Perhaps you shouldn't read so many back issues of Wired and Popular Mechanics, and perhaps consider the concept of practical application and cost/benefit analysis, the little detail futurists and enthusiasts like yourself. Just because you can do something- suffusing yourself with machine parts, building flying cars, etc.- doesn't mean you should. People like you promote terraforming Mars when humans can scarcely manage the earth's atmosphere. Get your head out of the clouds, Mr. Visionary.

Posted by Jay | August 4, 2007 4:53 PM

You're a strange person. Perhaps you shouldn't read so many back issues of Wired and Popular Mechanics, and perhaps consider the concept of practical application and cost/benefit analysis, the little details futurists and enthusiasts like yourself always manage to ignore. Just because you can do something- suffusing yourself with machine parts, building flying cars, etc.- doesn't mean you should. People like you promote terraforming Mars when humans can scarcely manage the earth's atmosphere. Get your head out of the clouds, Mr. Visionary, and try thinking instead of imagining.

Posted by Jay | August 4, 2007 4:55 PM

"People like you", says the advocate of thinking.

I know you're not missing my point, you're just pretending to.

Freedom of movement, as promoted by safe, fast, clean, affordable personal transit is not some sort of thing to be ridiculed for striving towards.

Fuck, Tor. Do you hate fire too because it hurts when you touch it?

Exploit your intellect, don't cuckold it.

You've sound like you've got thrust but your trajectory really sucks.

Posted by Mr. Visionary | August 6, 2007 8:44 PM

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