Politics Sean Hannity: Total Faggot
posted by March 6 at 11:29 AM
onAnn Coulter went on Fox News last night to defend herself—she was invited on CNN, with John Aravosis of Americablog, but she bailed. Apparently Coulter didn’t want to go on TV with an out homosexual—you know, someone that might argue with her—so she went on TV with that total faggot Sean Hannity instead. Here’s Andrew Sullivan on Coulter’s Fox News appearance:
I watched Ann Coulter last night in the gayest way I could. I was on a stairmaster at a gym, slack-jawed at her proud defense of calling someone a “faggot” on the same stage as presidential candidates and as an icon of today’s conservative movement….I’m not going to breathe more oxygen into this story except to say a couple of things that need saying. Coulter has an actual argument in self-defense and it’s worth addressing. Her argument is that it was a joke and that since it was directed at a straight man, it wasn’t homophobic. It was, in her words, a “school-yard taunt,” directed at a straight man, meaning a “wuss” and a “sissy”. Why would gays care? She is “pro-gay,” after all. Apart from backing a party that wants to strip gay couples of all legal rights by amending the federal constitution, kick them out of the military where they are putting their lives on the line, put them into “reparative therapy” to “cure” them, keep it legal to fire them in many states, and refusing to include them in hate crime laws, Coulter is very pro-gay. As evidence of how pro-gay she is, check out all the gay men and women in America now defending her.
Her defense, however, is that she was making a joke, not speaking a slur. Her logic suggests that the two are mutually exclusive. They’re not. And when you unpack Coulter’s joke, you see she does both. Her joke was that the world is so absurd that someone like Isaiah Washington is forced to go into rehab for calling someone a “faggot.” She’s absolutely right that this is absurd and funny and an example of p.c. insanity. She could have made a joke about that—a better one, to be sure—but a joke. But she didn’t just do that. She added to the joke a slur: “John Edwards is a faggot.” That’s why people gasped and then laughed and clapped so heartily. I was in the room, so I felt the atmosphere personally. It was an ugly atmosphere, designed to make any gay man or woman in the room feel marginalized and despised.
Of course it’s homophobic to insult a straight man by calling him a homosexual—whatever term you use. The joke relies on pure homophobic prejudice, i.e. the notion that being gay is so self-evidently revolting, so disgusting, that simply associating a straight man with homosexuality or homosexuals diminishes him and makes him ridiculous. Coulter’s joke—calling Edwards a sissy or a faggot or whatever—amused the attendees at CPAC because it lumped him, a heterosexual man with a wife and three kids, in with them, all those less-than-men homosexuals with their limp wrists and sissified ways.
Andrew Sullivan nails it:
And for the slur to work, it must logically accept the premise that gay men are weak, effeminate, wusses, sissies, and the rest. A sane gay man has two responses to this, I think. The first is that there is nothing wrong with effeminacy or effeminate gay men—and certainly nothing weak about many of them. In the plague years, I saw countless nelly sissies face HIV and AIDS with as much courage and steel as any warrior on earth…. And that is especially true of gay men whose effeminacy may not make them able to pass as straight—the very people Coulter seeks to demonize. The conflation of effeminacy with weakness, and of gayness with weakness, is what Coulter calculatedly asserted. This was not a joke. It was an attack.Secondly, gay men are not all effeminate. In the last couple of weeks, we have seen a leading NBA player and a soldier come out to tell their stories. I’d like to hear Coulter tell Amaechi and Alva that they are sissies and wusses. A man in uniform who just lost a leg for his country is a sissy? The first American solider to be wounded in Iraq is a wuss?
But, hey, the right sets the rules for our national debate—the right tells us what is and is not acceptable. So from here on out it’s officially not homophobic to call a man a faggot—so long as the man is straight. Like that faggot Sean Hannity. Or that faggot Rush Limbaugh. Or that faggot George W. Bush. Or that faggot Bill O’Reilly. Or that faggot George Will.
Does that make it OK for me to call her a cunt since she's really a man?
When speaking of A.C. I think George Will said it best: "The less said about him the better."
So according to Coulter, it would be just fine to call a white guy the "N-word" if it was just a joke?
To me, the point isn't so much that she called someone a faggot: I've been called a faggot before, I'll be called a faggot again, and that's life.
What bothers me is that conservative "discourse" is so simple-minded and dumbed-down that they stoop to using junior high terms like "faggot". What next? Lezzie? Cootie?
Ann Coulter is the grown-up, bitter version of the kind of pretty, but really bitchy junior high school girl that made fun of people with acne or glasses. Shouldn't we be beyond that as a society? What happened to the grown-ups?
Well, these are the people that run our right wing country.
Besides, no actual conservatives read or care what Andrew Sullivan writes anyway. The only people who read his blog or op-eds in middle brow publications like TIME are liberals who are fascinated, curious and horrified that gay conservatives exist, much like the oft compared Jewish Nazis or black Klansmen.
And can we please stop bashing Ann Coulter based on her gender? Calling her a man is really bizarre and pointless. She's a despicable person, period; so are the people she represents.
Glen Greenwald over at Salon got it exactly right:
"The people feigning upset over those matters are either active participants in, or passive aiders and abetters of, a political movement that, at its very core -- not at its fringes -- knowingly and continuously embraces the most wretched and obvious bigotry and bloodthirsty authoritarianism. They love Ann Coulter -- and therefore continue to make her a venerated part of their political events -- because she provides an outlet, a venting ground, for the twisted psychological impulses and truly hateful face that drives the entire pro-Bush, right-wing spectacle.
None of this is news, really. This is a movement propelled by an insatiable hunger for more slaughter and more wars. It is centrally dependent upon hatred of an Enemy, foreign or domestic -- the Terrorist, the Immigrant, the Faggot, the Raghead, and most of all, the Liberal. As John Dean brilliantly documented, that is the only real feature that binds the "conservative" movement at this point, the only attribute that gives it identity and purpose. It does not have any affirmative ideas, only a sense of that which it hates and wants to destroy. So to watch as the crowd wildly cheers an unapologetic hate-monger is perfectly natural and not at all surprising."
She should have just called Edwards a pussy and no one would have cared. If you can say faggot on CSPAN you better be able to say pussy.
I'm torn. On one hand, she is a cunt that doesn't deserve the attention. On the other hand, as Dan's post on Sunday (There's Something Happening Here) points out, we do have to call them out lest it grow like a malignant tumor. Help me sort it out Citizens of The Slog...
Ann Coulter is one of those people with an awesome anagram for her name: A Loner Cunt.
Thank you Ann for being of such service to the "liberals" and us "faggots" by:
1. Becoming the poster child for conservatives that hate homos and being willing to stand by your principals to the end, therefore breathing fresh energy into the gay community about discrimination and its effects;
2. Adding fuel to the fire by claiming it was a joke;
3. Further marginalizing Fox News by only appearing on that program, knowingly running away from an actual debate;
4. Showing our straight allies and others that people like you continue to exist, have an agenda and seek to marginalize a class of people.
Keep up the good work Ann. You've probably shaved 2 years off the marriage trail and I want to thank you personally for that.
If she had called Edwards a pussy, that probably would have been acceptable. However, calling a man a pussy as an insult is to imply that women are weak. Balls=courage & strength. Pussy=fear & weakness. Sure, it is common place to call a weak man a pussy, but it is sexist. I wish I could say that everyone who is speaking out agaisnt AC calling Edwards a faggot would be speaking out if she had called him a pussy. Homophobia=classism=sexism=racism
I keep going over the words she used and until I figured out the Isaiah Washington comment, I, too, thought she was over the line.
Reread or relisten (and listen this time). She didn't say or call anyone anything. But, you have to hear it in the Washington context.
To #11
Fine. She INSINUATED Edwards was a faggot.
Right now I'm thinking of a word for you, but I'm told I shouldn't use "Douchebag" in public.
No she didn't. Listen carefully and don't let your emotions get the better of you.
And Colin, your joke would have been better if you said that if you used "douchebag" you would have to go to rehab.
Awesome post, Doug...
"Besides, no actual conservatives read or care what Andrew Sullivan writes anyway. The only people who read his blog or op-eds in middle brow publications like TIME are liberals who are fascinated, curious and horrified that gay conservatives exist..."
Um, he's not in Time magazine anymore, and if you bothered to read his blog you would see that he actually does have conservative readers.
The party is splintering, and we have people like Ann Coulter to thank for it.
julie @ 15,
My apologies to both you and the other conservative who read Andrew Sullivan's blog. I'm off to rehab!
"This is a movement propelled by an insatiable hunger for more slaughter and more wars. It is centrally dependent upon hatred of an Enemy, foreign or domestic -- the Terrorist, the Immigrant, the Faggot, the Raghead, and most of all, the Liberal. As John Dean brilliantly documented, that is the only real feature that binds the "conservative" movement at this point, the only attribute that gives it identity and purpose. It does not have any affirmative ideas, only a sense of that which it hates and wants to destroy."
"Pro-gay"? What about the time she said she'd lie and tell her son he was adopted if he said he was gay?
Stupid "REPUBLICUNT" nuffsaid....
Calling her a cunt is an insult to all true cunts, don't you think?
The truth here is that these right-wingers are *afraid of gays.* They *fear* gays. And you know why? Because if they get out of line and cross some vaguely-defined ideological barrier, then *they too* might end up being called a 'faggot.'
Also. If you wouldn't call a black man a 'nigger,' or a gay man a 'faggot,' who would you call a 'retard?'
It's funny to me that Coulter's defense is to say that her comment was nothing more than a schoolyard pun... because (maybe without knowing it) she's admitting that she's nothing more than an immature bully.
A few years ago I remember seeing people throw squid and many other things on the ice during hockey games - I still don’t know why but I think they were definitely getting a message across. I think we all should start throwing tampons at her. If she wants to act like a c*nt, she should be treared like one! I’ll buy the first box! GLADLY!
I posted this at Pandagon.com, where the Coulter question was framed in the "Politically Correct"
question: "This is one that has pissed me off more and more.
I see this as a general, if stage managed, response to ‘inclusive language’-”senior”, not “old”, “Afro-american” not "Negro"(or worse), “challenged’ not “retarded”..
And any attempt to change abusive language was suddenly called ‘politically correct’.
Fast forward to the the WBush years, when I was told that criticizing the Conduct of the war was helping the Enemy. There has been a attempt to impose another sort of political correctness, more rigid and more malign, in an campaign to end any opposition to the war or Republican policies…But you can’t call it ‘political correctness’ because that only refers to the Left’s attempts at civility.
And as to Coulter: when I get called a faggot, it’s not because I’m gay, because I’m not out to them that’s calling me that. I get called a faggot on the jobsite (I’m in construction) because I’m trying to stop abusive behavior. Bullies use sexuality as a club. Edwards is a successful trial lawyer, calling the powerful to pay for bad decisions (like having a drain in a swimming pool that sucked the guts out of a small girl who sat on it, requiring her to live more or less on life support; Edwards won her that life support, and punative damages). Of course he would seem a faggot in her eyes.
But as she is a sought after media figure, commanding large sums for her appearances, she therefore is validated by the MSM. No corresponding Liberal outrageous slur artist will arise, as no one in their right mind would pay for such bullying name calling."
I would say that Ann Coulter is a piece of shit, but then I would have to go to re-education camp to learn that shit is the normal result of animal digestion, and that Ann Coulter is not normal.
*I think we all should start throwing tampons at her. If she wants to act like a c*nt, she should be treared like one! I’ll buy the first box! GLADLY!*
This degrades women.
How about if we elevate the level of discourse re Ms. Coulter? Or, now that we've pointed out the inappropriateness of her behaviour, we stop feeding into her cries for attention.
LOL on Alternet.
Mamacita: MRI of Ann Coulter's Brain Reveals Startling Facts
Thanks Dan! Your writings are always very logical and help me organize all the frustrations that run through my head when I hear ignorant assholes like AC trying to justify their bigotry.
You deserve a Pulitzer Prize.
what the fuck! most of these straight american men are fat, lazy,bald, stupid,and have high pitched voices. I am gay and am like 150 times more manly than any of them.. If I was them, I would consider it a compliment to be called gay. Seriously, being gay is only hard as a youth. Older gay men have it made because the older a straight guy gets, the more he acts like a little girl and looks like a fat troll.
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