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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pure’s Prospects

Posted by on September 19 at 21:48 PM

Other notables at Stephanie Pure’s campaign-night party: Her brother and her mom, who flew all the way from Hawaii to canvass and make phone calls on Stephanie’s behalf. Earlier tonight, Pure arrived on the scene at Piecora’s flanked by her fiancĂ©, mom, and brother. She took one look at the long table festooned with People for Pure signs-turned-placemats (below) and laughed, “That’s really cool. And weird!”


When I talked to Pure earlier today, she sounded resigned to losing tonight, but upbeat about her campaign effort. “In retrospect, I absolutely should have quit my job sooner,” Pure said. “I should have had more money and more campaign organization earlier.” Nonetheless, Pure was excited for tonight, and tomorrow, when she and her mom plan to get massages and “a big fancy dinner.” Come Thursday, Pure says, she’s “back to the Steinbrueck office. And that’s that.”

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Piecora's, not Pagliacci.

will help to build a better political resume

peter is not the poltical kingmaker in local politics, should be working for ed murray

drop the line about youth, they do not vote, remember out society is ageing not getting younger - real changes in demographics - youth stuff begins to sound cliche

Stephanie did an amazing job for her first time-she has nothing to be ashamed of especially considering her endorsement from the Stranger!

As one who has run for an office as a novice and very early in their political career it is a lot easier to look at what we could have done better.

Stay involved Stephanie because you truly have what it takes to be a leader!

Hey, gotta give Peter credit for letting her leave her post to campaign and then return on a moment's notice.

Greg, with all due respect, looks like the Stranger endorsement was the kiss of death, or of the clowns.

Really, serious politics, and the Stranger... you must be kidding.

Which is why you're here, on election night, reading the Slog. Because it doesn't matter.

Stan? Pure is now ahead of folks with much more "important" endorsements than the Stranger's.

Yay for Stephanie! I knew she would not make it to the final election this year but was pleased to vote for her as a vote for her future in politics. I didn't even know she'd gotten the Stranger's endorsement until after I voted ;)

good for stephanie! this is only the beginning for her in local politics and the grace she is exhibiting (as reported here) will only help her in the future.

she is a fine candidate for city council and i hope that is the path she will one day choose.

Pure comes out of this race with a lot of good attention, not just the Stranger endorsement. I'll take her seriously in future runs. I had high hopes for Heidi Wills, who turned out to be a flash-in-the-pan party machine candidate and councilmember. Pure isn't of that mold, and her youth gives her the energy the rest of us lack! (Speaking for myself.)

The only thing Pure had going for her was that her close friends at The Stranger took the unethical low road and endorsed the one person in the race they had a personal relationship with. A Stranger endorsement in the 43rd is definitely worth some votes. Too bad The Stranger lacked integrity in this endorsement.

Pure isn't 'young'. If you compare her accomplishments to anyone else's in the race at her age she pales in comparison. At 33 she has worked as a low level city staffer and served on a small non-profit board. Whoop-de-do. She is about the same age as Pederson who is leagues beyond her on every level. She was the lightweight in this race.

For all who would minimize the value of the Stranger endorsement, keep in mind that Jamie Pedersen is now really, really wishing he had gotten it. With Street coming up on every count, it's quite likely that Jamie will lose this race in the late absentees.

hmmm... if steinbrueck is so great, why was he at bill sherman's party last night?

Steinbrueck finished the night at Stephanie's party. Tom Rasmussen was also there before heading over to Jamie Peterson's house. Those Councilmembers get around.

And back to Frank: Your argument that legislative aide is a "low-level" job belies the fact that it is widely considered a natural work step for future legislators. Former legislative aides include (there are many more examples): Ron Sims, Greg Nickels, Larry Phillips, Dow Constantine, Ed Murray, Sally Clark, Dave Upthegrove.

Plus, in politics, everything counts--including your personality. The fact that Stephanie Pure is both liked and respected inside and outside of City Hall and that smarmy Jamie Pedersen and arrogant Jim Street are both considered personality-challenged probably did play a role in the Stranger's decision to endorse somebody else. And why shouldn't it?

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