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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mississippi Outlaws Sex Toys

Posted by on March 23 at 9:59 AM


In Mississippi, people can buy guns at a gun show with no background check and certain weapons can be carried almost anywhere. Sure, guns and toys can bring joy and a sense of comfort to the user, but apparently the legislators concluded that a genital replica is a far greater threat to society. 

This, from a state that levies only an 18-cent tax on cigarettes, 55 cents below the national average and where 62 percent of residents are overweight, making it the fattest state in the country.  Yet still the public schools don’t make gym class compulsory.  Mississippi’s laws would make you believe sex is the single greatest threat to public safety and well-being.

Don’t tell the good folks of Mississippi, but any kinkster will tell you that the best place to buy sex toys is a hardware store. Over at Amazon, frustrated residents of Mississippi can order a copy of Kinkycrafts: 99 Do-It-Yourself S/m Toys for the Kinky Handyperson. People who’ve purchased Kinkycrafts rave about it…

What a great way to enhance your love life, without having to spend much money on expensive toys. My mate and I have never been so excited to go to a hardware store!
You’ll never pass a hardware store without smiling again! This book is chock-full of wonderful toy ideas, aimed at a wide range of interests, price ranges, and skills (even for those who aren’t normally into crafts, like myself). For the price of one or two floggers at an adult store, I’ve made several small projects and they’ve been great!
Some of the ideas presented in this book are genius… others are just weird. But there are more than enough projects for the person casually interested in the scene to make, before spending the BIG bucks on custom-made [sex] toys… You’ll never look at your local hardware store the same way again!

Ace is the place. Pass it on.

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I think the real purpose of this law and others like it is not so much to prevent the sale and use of sex toys but simply to provide more tools with which to harrass people. They're not going to GO AFTER the sex toys, but this way, if they push you around a little, it gives them some more items to have a little "aha!" moment with. That way, not only do they get to harrass you, but they can then charge you with possession of something, too. Much "law enforcement" today is just harrassing "undesireables" until they decide maybe it's time to move over to more enlightened climes. Like, say, Alabama.

Also, don't overlook the produce aisle of your supermarket. Vice has a very handy article here on sex with various vegetables.

Remember: when dildos are outlawed, only outlaws will have fun

Only dildos outlaw dildos.

What the heck is going on?? Can they really outlaw sextoys??? I am really starting to get worried as to what is going to happen to us!! Whats next toilet paper??
(Laurence- That was priceless!!)

I would love to comment on the rest of the story, but I'm too distracted by the personal web site of one of the women who reviewed the book for Amazon.

Including her personal harem.

And her world-class mullet. Yikes. Nice find, Michelle in Ohio.

Dr. Ruth would be outraged at the outlawing of dildos. I think that she along with Howard Stern, the cast of Sex and the City, etc. should stage a dildo direct action outside the Mississipi State Capitol.

The only problem with protesting in Mississippi is that it involves setting foot in Mississippi, goddamn.

Do they not have Sharper Image in Mississippi, or is the legislator banning massagers as well?

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