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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Debate Mania

posted by on October 5 at 11:15 AM

There’s a debate—a replay of the October 1 debate—between Christine Gregoire and Dino Rossi on KCTS today at noon. Before you watch, read Erica C. Barnett’s piece on seven reasons to fear Rossi.

And speaking of debates, did you see the first 10 minutes of Saturday Night Live last night? With Queen Latifah as Gwen Iffil and the best Fey-as-Palin performance yet? Oh my god.

UPDATE: NBC’s link will let you watch it right here:

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I thought the intro was hilarious. I watched the debate, and as one of the "middle income Americans" Palin was supposedly speaking to with her condescending, fake-ass "joe sixpack" colloquialisms I found her offensive. AND I'M A "FUCKIN'" TEENAGER! All of the media people who say that the middle class found her charming are delusional and horribly, horribly wrong.

Posted by Jane-Midwest | October 5, 2008 11:40 AM

Ooh, a TEN MINUTE LONG Saturday Night Live bit? There's nothing I like more than one weak joke plus 9 1/2 minutes of filler.

No thanks. I'll take yr word for it.

Hey, you know what? They should make a Tivo for SNL, where it plays all five jokes from each episode and skips over the rest. Or maybe even one that only grabs both funny jokes and then lets you get on with your life.

Posted by elenchos | October 5, 2008 11:46 AM

elenchos: Get over it. It was worth watching to hear Tina/Barbie deliver this one line:

'I believe marriage is a sacred institution between unwilling teenagers'

Posted by Karlheinz Arschbomber | October 5, 2008 11:52 AM

I thought that Biden was well done, too. Great sketch.

Posted by magnoliman | October 5, 2008 11:57 AM

Elechos: it's called Hulu. They generally only post the opening sketch and a couple others-- it's the only way I can see SNL now.

Posted by Jessica | October 5, 2008 12:04 PM

My soul would have died by now if Tina Fey wasn't here to help me through the election.

Posted by sockpuppet | October 5, 2008 12:09 PM

Yeah, wouldn't want to spend 10 minutes on something that may or may not be funny. Time is much better spent writing bitchy slog comments to hone the jadeder-than-thou persona.

Posted by get on with *what* life? | October 5, 2008 12:11 PM

Yeah, the only way to watch SNL anymore is online. puts up the major skits and digital shorts. The other skits from last night that they posted were really terrible, but the debate opener was funny for pretty much the entire ten minutes. Even the Biden parts were really funny...

Posted by Julie in Chicago | October 5, 2008 12:11 PM

Let's not lose our focus, keeping Chris in the Governor's Mansion for four more years.

Posted by Rank Stranger | October 5, 2008 12:15 PM

I'm liking Rossi better already, thanks to all the information. Imagine--someone with opinions of his own, who's not about to look to the Seattle Times editorial page (or The Stranger, for that matter) for his agenda. And someone who takes the decidedly non-liberal attitude that if you agree with him you can vote for him, and if you don't, then you don't, and that's all there is to it. (As opposed to--if you vote for him, you qualify as a member of the human race, and if you don't, you're some kind of mental defective.) I find it rather refreshing.

Posted by Seajay | October 5, 2008 12:16 PM

Tina Fey is more natural as Palin than Palin is. It kind of freaks me out.

Posted by Bethany Jean Clement | October 5, 2008 12:42 PM

This isn't the Gregoire I've seen in the past debates. This is good, she does well with a vocal audience. More of this please.

Posted by Garth | October 5, 2008 12:48 PM

I kind of hope Rossi does win, as it will be amusing to see the Raindrops, SeeJays, and Bailos of the world flail around for excuses for the unmitigated disaster a Rossi administration would be.

Stupid people, when given concrete proof of their stupidity and lack of judgment, are pretty funny. Since the basic tenant of conservatism is to always be a victim, and never accept responsibility, just imagine what leaps of logic they will attempt to somehow blame the liberals for their ineptitude.

The thought that we could actually elect that used car salesman is fraught with comedic possibilities.

Posted by Voter | October 5, 2008 12:52 PM

I'm The Incredible Sulk, and I approved this off-topic comment.

And no, I don't feel like letting it go.

Posted by The Incredible Sulk | October 5, 2008 2:15 PM

If Almost Live was still on their take on Gregoire/Rossi maybe would have been almost funny enough to watch.

Posted by RainMan | October 5, 2008 2:34 PM

Best line: "Gwen, we don't know if this climate change whosey-whatsit is manmade or if it's just a natural part of the end-of-days..."

Not sure if that was a direct quote from the debate, as I skipped it to go see "Religulous."

Posted by emma's bee | October 5, 2008 3:01 PM

For some reason, I just love Queen Latifah.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | October 5, 2008 3:11 PM

When Tina Fey pulls out the flute for the talent competition -- that put me into full-hyperventilation mode.

Posted by oneway | October 5, 2008 3:15 PM

Above - you all do remember that Queen Latifa is now out as a Lesbian, cheers indeed. Love her.

And, sure, nitwit belly above, vote for Rossi, of course, you don't face the prospect of him backing and helping to repeal your civil rights.... but ... I do agree the Gregoire values ads are the worst.

In the coming Depression I think she will do well, cause she is terra firma woman.

God he needs an ear tuck and some brains to boot. It is now almost four years and I have yet to hear him give a policy speech ..... it is mostly, " I am not running on that issue" .... and ... there will be a deficit in the next budget. Duh duh duh.

All the polls suggest Gregoire by one or two points, close. VOE to cancel out nitwit above.

Posted by John | October 5, 2008 3:27 PM

How long is it until Fey is assassinated?

Posted by Lloyd Clydesdale | October 5, 2008 4:49 PM

@13 ... a clearer example of what psychologists mean by 'projection' could not be devised. As far as the "ineptitude" goes, that's simply drivel, and I don't answer drivel. But about your "victim" smear ... it's simply breathtaking. Obviously, the extent of your 'knowledge' of conservatism is that it equals 'bad.'

'Voter,' I defy you to read over SLOG and its comments and find NO posts from liberals worried that conservatives and Republicans are going to take away freedoms, rights, liberties, etc.

I defy you to find any comment from me in which I blame anyone but those in office for the problems of this country.

I defy you to find any comment from me in which I blame anyone but myself for my own problems. In fact, I defy you to find any comment from me where I complain about having any problems at all. It's not that I don't have any. It's that I'm not here to whine about them to this readership.

I defy you to find even one comment from me (and there are many comments from me) where I express fear that some liberal or Democrat is going to take away my freedoms, rights, liberties, etc.

You're the first person I've seen here who I'd opine is actually and truly mentally defective.

Posted by Seajay | October 5, 2008 6:10 PM

Got you angry, did I Seajay?


That means I hit home. Thanks for confirming my theory about whiny little victims like you. Let me remind you that your original whine in this thread was about the "liberal media" - as represented by the Seattle Times (ha!) and The Stranger

From now on, why don't you air your emotional inadequacies someplace else? Sound politics, maybe?

Oh yeah. Rossi '08!

Posted by Voter | October 5, 2008 6:49 PM

@21: Well, sure it's easy to defend your own views from attack when you never clearly state them. The bulk of what you post here consists of mocking other people's views. All well and good, but what about your views? Can you state them in positive terms, i.e. "I believe this" as opposed to "You're wrong?"

All I know is what you think is stupid, which appears to be most things and most people. I have little idea what you think is true. And I've been reading your comments for a while.

Posted by flamingbanjo | October 5, 2008 8:03 PM

@22 ... No, 'Voter,' you don't make me angry, though you astonish me with your inability to read and process plain words on a page. The comment to which you are referring, at #10, reads:

"Imagine--someone with opinions of his own, who's not about to look to the Seattle Times editorial page (or The Stranger, for that matter) for his agenda."

The term "liberal media," your quotation marks, isn't in the comment you cite. All I said about liberalism in the entire post was that Mr Rossi takes a "decidedly non-liberal attitude ... " Anyone in the room disagree with that? As for the rest, it's no use talking with someone who closes their eyes and ears and puts their own words in your mouth. You, I'm done with.

@23: Replies to blog entries are by definition responses to what other people are saying. I can hardly lay out a whole programme, but I've made many positive statements. I've said that Barack Obama is a decent man, a good writer, and a great communicator, and says many noble things. I've praised Joe Biden, and his legislative record, which--as I noted--is more extensive than Mr Obama's. Earlier here, I said that Dino Rossi is not going to look to the Times--or the Stranger--for an agenda. Anything not true there? Anything unclearly stated or "stupid?" Thank you. And if I often look at drivel and call it what it is--such as with 'Voter' above--well, that's hardly avoiding the truth or being unclear.

I'm now finished repeating things I've already said. If you'd like me to set forth my views on current events more systematically, you could encourage The Stranger to take me on as a contributor. But of course, 'stupidity' is strongly discouraged around here, isn't it?

Posted by Seajay | October 5, 2008 9:42 PM

@13 Maybe the stupidity, or whatever you want to call it, of conservatives in power is hilarious to you, but I would think you would have had your fill of that kind of humor over the last eight years.

Well, while we are guffawing, perhaps you can explain what you mean by "TENANT of conservatism"?

Posted by yuiop | October 6, 2008 12:10 AM

There are no tenants of conservatism. Only squatters.

Posted by Greg | October 6, 2008 11:27 AM

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