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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Morning News

posted by on September 30 at 8:01 AM

Another Shot: Senate to tweak bailout bill to appease Republicans, plans to vote tomorrow.

Open Up: Dow opens to 200-point jump. S & P, NASDAQ both gain.

Insurance Up: Obama and McCain call to increase deposit insurance to $250,000.

Bob Young: Slaps Rossi campaign for deceptive ad.

City Budget: Nickels proposes budget that would: cut administrative jobs, add police, provide homeless services, spend $9.2 million on anti-violence measures for youth, and raise parking meter fees 50-cents an hour.

Water: One killed and nine injured in boat collision on Lake Tapps.

Fire: Justice department appoints special prosecutor, orders criminal investigation of Alberto Gonzales for firing US attorneys. Report accuses White House of blockading previous investigations.

Earth: Pirates holding ship of the cost of Somalia want money and a happy planet. “We consider sea bandits those who illegally fish in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas.”

Aired: NAACP raises grievances of more racial profiling.

An African-American senior at Garfield High School says Seattle police singled him out as he and a group of white friends were walking on Capitol Hill one night, telling him he’d never amount to anything and wasn’t welcome in that neighborhood.

A probation counselor with King County Superior Court tearfully recalls how a black teen she’d just accompanied on a back-to-school shopping trip was stopped by police for jaywalking and accused of stealing the clothes they had just bought.

Stampede: 147 killed in India on pilgrimage to temple.

EU: Sends 300 observers to begin patrols in Georgia.

Housing: Prices in July down 16 percent from previous year.

Drinking: Ladies nights remain legal in New York, judge rules. Man called free drinks and waiving cover charges for women discrimination against men. He had recently sued Columbia University over its women’s studies program.

This Ought to Work: After lying to the press and avoiding reporters, the discordant duo accuses media of shoddy journalism.

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GOTCHA MOMENT! You mean, a VOTER asking a question?

Super glad Katie actually called a spade a spade

Posted by Non | September 30, 2008 8:41 AM

Awww, isn't that cute, the Somali pirates are channeling Greenpeace. If Greenpeace were an armed and dangerous ragtag band of desperate men in it for the money...

Speaking of boats, we've now had 3 boat collisions in less than 2 weeks. What's up with that? Besides idiots who shouldn't be driving boats driving boats.

Posted by PopTart | September 30, 2008 8:46 AM

"Not ready for prime time?" Very clever, Katie Couric. I don't think Palin and McCain got it, but it was clever.

Posted by Meghan | September 30, 2008 8:59 AM

lmao...mccain is so uncomfortable.

Posted by Bellevue Ave | September 30, 2008 9:02 AM

@3: Oh man, I didn't catch that either until just now. That's great.

Posted by Greg | September 30, 2008 9:07 AM

Why don't we ever hear anything about the NAACP dealing with all the black-on-black crime in this and other cities?

Posted by Gordon Werner | September 30, 2008 9:09 AM

At least the pirates still work in dollars. Once they move to Euros, we're fucked.

Posted by Big Sven | September 30, 2008 9:30 AM

Do McCain and Palin really want to keep blaming the media for their troubles? It might provide an excuse to their political base, but it's not going to help them get elected.

As for not showing your cards, what about GWB announcing the start of the war 48 hours ahead of time, and JMC singing "Bomb Iran"?

Posted by Betsy Ross | September 30, 2008 9:36 AM

re: Drinking: Ok, Mr. Sues-a-lot, I have a deal for you. You can totally get into bars free, with cheap drinks, if I get to make 30% more each year than you, for the rest of my life. Also, you get to be the subject of rape and violence about 50% more!

Sweet deal, huh? Yeah, I ladies have it MADE. Go ahead, have 3 Long Islands, it's on me.

Posted by Original Monique | September 30, 2008 9:44 AM

Why am I still seeing WAMU commercials?

Posted by elswinger | September 30, 2008 10:05 AM

1. how about living longer, does that count, too? OR do we throw that out of the picture for some reason?

2. So it's okay for guys to pay money (cover charge) basically to be able to ogle and hit on chicks??
Isn't this just a way for the bar owner to objectify women and make money off of that?

3. What about the white guys who don't make shit, who are not making 30% more? Like the unemployed, the illiterate, the out of work. Or, take black guys. Maybe we should assume each and every one of them sufered discrmination too.

OR take chicks like.....Michelle...oh make that Carly Fiorina. Who got millions. she should get in for free, too, right? while a white guy who'se out of work becuase his factory got shipped over the china, he should pay a cover charge?

OR is asking any questions proof of vile sexism there fore there should be no discussion and no debate?

This is one of those things where I suspect frequent calls to "have a conversation about it" are not in fact genuine calls to have a real conversation. But that's a generalization based on past experience.

You could prove that that generalization does not fit this instance.

Posted by PC | September 30, 2008 10:07 AM

Uh, what? PC, have you tried medication?

Posted by Fnarf | September 30, 2008 10:23 AM

pc, why would a broke-ass, unemployed illiterate attend ladies night, anyway? wouldn't he have to be delusional, as well?

Posted by ellarosa | September 30, 2008 10:24 AM

Regarding the CNN article on the ladies night lawsuit, it's misandry not feminism.

Posted by Anon | September 30, 2008 10:49 AM

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