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Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Morning News

posted by on July 6 at 8:54 AM

by news intern Roselle Kingsbury

War Spoils: The United States escorts 550 metric tons of “yellowcake” uranium from Iraq to its buyer, uranium producer Cameco Corp., in Montreal, Canada, completing a secretive year-long effort by the US to clean up a nuclear storage facility in Tuwaitha, Iraq.

Variety Pack: Food, fuel, elections, and nuclear capability expected to be the main issues at the Group of Eight Summit meeting opening tomorrow in Hokkaido, Japan.

Had It Coming: A wax likeness of Hitler lost its head yesterday after a visitor attacked the figurine at the opening of Madame Tussauds in Berlin.

¡Peligroso — Caliente!: More than 4,000 firemen from all over the country continue to battle widespread fires in Northern California, and weathermen say Monday’s predicted heat, lightning, and high winds won’t help.

Scientists Suspect Salsa: Cilantro and, jalapeño and serrano peppers earn Center for Disease Control and Prevention scrutiny after scientists narrow salmonella sources to “food items that are commonly consumed with tomatoes[,]” including produce imported from Mexico.

Bleedin’ Er Dry: The Washington State Senate Ways and Means Committee projected a $2.7 billion hole in the state budget last week, calling into question the feasibility of high-price initiatives projected to come up on the November ballot like Tim Eyman’s Initiative 985, expected to require $290 million in the next two-and-a-half years.

Un-ironic Moustaches: All types of facial hair gathered in Kitsap County yesterday to compete in the North American Beard and Moustache Championship, which benefited the Washington Veterans Home, the county’s only homeless shelter.

Deja Vu All Over Again: Residents of a recently constructed, expensive apartment building in New York City’s Harlem district complain of noise from nearby Marcus Garvey Park’s drum circle, which has played there since 1969.

Age Of Consent: Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild can breathe a sigh of relief — at least for now — Ashley Dupre has dropped charges against Francis of exploiting image and name on the Internet, explaining that she said she was 18 at the time of taping.

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Regarding the NY Times story about gentrification in Harlem and the complaints against the drummers circle in Marcus Garvey park.

This reminds me of the assholes who have ruined Belltown and are ruining Capitol Hill and Pioneer Square because they loved going to the clubs and loved the colorful denizens of the neighborhood, but now that they've invested a million dollars in a condo and live above the noise they want the clubs to go away (as well as the colorful people).

Posted by elswinger | July 6, 2008 11:18 AM

What is the world determines the difference between an "ironic moustache" and a non ironic moustache?

Posted by Heather | July 6, 2008 12:09 PM

Not just Northern California - my siblings in Santa Barbara and Goleta couldn't watch fireworks this year or have beach burns - and one is pulling overtime managing cable repair crews.

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 6, 2008 1:50 PM

Not sure if Slog covered this: this is D. Morris: "The Obama ad, which introduces him as someone who worked his way through college, fights for American jobs, and battles for health care also seeks to move him to the center by taking credit for welfare reform in Illinois which, the ad proclaims, reduced the rolls by 80%.
But there's one problem - Obama opposed the 1996 welfare reform act at the time."

Obama: pro welfare reform.

We are sooooo glad he's soooooo not like that evil triangulator Clinton.

Posted by PC | July 6, 2008 2:34 PM

It seems perfectly democratic to everyone that if the majority of voters want 15% of all taxes collected on the sale of new and used vehicles into an account that would support programs to synchronize traffic lights, open car-pool lanes and pay for more highway crews to clear accidents - that it is a wise use of public funds. Reduced traffic congestion also reduces carbon emissions – add to that the increased productivity from congestion relief that will more than offset the cost to the state with more sales tax revenue as goods and services get to market more efficiently.

Posted by raindrop | July 6, 2008 2:43 PM

Raindrop @5 - the Iraq War will pay for itself too, huh?

Posted by Donolectic | July 6, 2008 3:53 PM

@6: No.

Posted by raindrop | July 6, 2008 8:02 PM

I grew up in Goleta. It ain't "Northern California".

Posted by DOUG. | July 6, 2008 8:05 PM


PC: How come you switched to this instead of the secret unseen (imaginary?) videos of Michelle Obama saying shocking things? Were the things you said about that not true?

Seems like you had some dynamite there and for some reason you dropped it. Why?

Posted by elenchos | July 6, 2008 8:35 PM

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