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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Obama’s Big Foreign Policy Speech

posted by on July 15 at 10:30 AM

I’m running out the door to the opening of McCain’s Washington State office so I don’t have time to say much about this, but here’s the video of the “major foreign policy address” that Barack Obama gave today at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in D.C.

Please have a report on my desk—or at least in the commnets—by the time I get back.

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Summary: It's better on its own than anything you could possibly have to say about it.

Posted by Ziggity | July 15, 2008 10:35 AM

sorry, the soviets vanquished fascism in stalingrand and the push to berlin. the us made great sacrifices, but lets be serious.

Posted by SeMe | July 15, 2008 10:38 AM

Oh please let him win . . .

Posted by Levislade | July 15, 2008 11:29 AM

What did he sell out this time?

Posted by Bob | July 15, 2008 12:01 PM

he didn't gawd bless americuh at the end.

Posted by superyeadon | July 15, 2008 12:02 PM

SeMe, the soviets took most of the burden during ww2 for sure, but it was a team effort. italy for example saw no soviet troops during the war.

anyway, i'd like to know if he was reading off of a teleprompter or if he delivered that speech from memory. his body language indicates to me the latter, which would be very impressive.

Posted by douglas | July 15, 2008 12:05 PM

The way he stumbled at times makes me think he was working from memory. I can't wait for those McCain/Obama debates to start up. Barack will eat John's lunch.

Posted by NaFun | July 15, 2008 12:45 PM

15 billion a year for energy independence?! That is change I can believe in. Investing all that money in a broad portfolio of energy resources, and developing a role of global leadership in reducing oil usage. AWESOME.

Posted by boyd main | July 15, 2008 1:12 PM

Obama lied. He said that McCain said we'd be greeted as liberators in the invasion of Iraq. Cheney said that, not McCain. How can anyone trust what this rookie says?

Posted by raindrop | July 15, 2008 1:19 PM
Posted by meerkat | July 15, 2008 1:41 PM

I can't wait for those McCain/Obama debates to start up. Barack will eat John's lunch (NaFun @ 7)


Also, Raindrop @ 9: You thought he got Cheney & McCain mixed up (and you were wrong, see 10), and that is reason not to trust anything Barack says??!!?!!

You, sir, are an asshole.

Posted by Mike in MO | July 15, 2008 1:49 PM

the reason it's a great speech is it ties together oil dependence, climate change and national security, getting folks to realize that we need to change our oil habits to stop empowering the Middle East powers that fund terrorism, and just don't like us. It also ties this in with the US $ drain for foreign oil and our other economic problems.

This is the wholistic thinking we need (America is strong when independent, when strong in economy, when strong on the environment) that is needed to replace the other narrative frame that has held sway for too many years (we might fight the global war on terror, be afraid, give us all the power or else you are a treasonous liberal chicken shit).

Posted by PC | July 15, 2008 2:23 PM

OMG, I actually just agreed with PC's opinion @12 of Obama's speech ... someone slap me!

Posted by Will in Seattle | July 15, 2008 2:27 PM

It's unsettling when PC starts supporting the same side as you, I agree.

I must say, I really like Eli's "commnets" for comments. I'm gonna start saying commnets all the time now.

Posted by NaFun | July 15, 2008 3:11 PM

We won't support ball-less NO-Bama and will re-defeat him in November!!

Posted by clintonsarmy | July 15, 2008 3:16 PM

to 15:
clinton lost. get over it.

Posted by Sam in AZ | July 15, 2008 11:17 PM

By god if Americans don't choose this guy as our next president, the only guy who has ever talked to us with common sense and talked to us at his level instead talked down to us, then we deserve to go down the drain as we are now and lose our status as the world superpower. Comments like that of Nafun represents the stupidity that some idiots can display and their potential to destroy the greatest country in the world. Please don't vote/

Posted by Davemeister | July 17, 2008 12:47 AM

First off, I am not a fan of our two party system of politics. (Multi-party by law, two party in practice.) I believe that what we are looking at is simply the same rhetoric repackaged, as it has always been around election time.

A few questions are raised by the speech:

1. What exactly is a "rogue" nation? One that doesn't subscribe to our consumer lifestyle? One that doesn't share our particular form of "family values"? Obama says he will seek out nuclear weapons in "rogue nations." Isn't that what the Iraq War is? How is this policy any better?

2. Doesn't spending $15 Billion a year for "energy independence" amount to bailing petroleum companies out of the need to invest their own money in a new energy infrastructure? Why should the American people pay for the infrastructure that will enable energy companies to reap future profits in this time when petroleum resources are dwindling? Shouldn't the corporations that stand to profit from the sale of petroleum replacement products (of whatever type) be paying for that infrastructure?

3. What is the difference between sending troops to Iraq to die, and sending them into Afghanistan? That's not it?

4. Why is it that I see no difference between the Patriot Act Fiasco and the harm it has done to American Freedom, and the notion of investing money in security technologies for our trains, planes and ports? Why are we so paranoid? We're the most powerful nation in the world..Home of the Brave. Why are we so fearful?

In my opinion, there is no real threat except the fear of threats that we continue to embrace as though it were the American thing to direct contradiction to our most dearly held notions of American ideals of bravery, courage and freedom. You cannot live in fear and be free. They are contradictions in terms.

I listened to this speech, perhaps even with a touch of hope. Instead I found war mongering hidden behind a facade of anti-war rhetoric. I found another politician who is willing to hand the American taxpayer's money over to big business in order to bail them out of a bad decision made BY CORPORATIONS over 100 years ago.

I'm sorely disappointed. There will be no change this election cycle. Just more of the same crap from a different party.

That's all I have to say.


Posted by dafremen | July 17, 2008 7:34 AM

Let's be serious. If we want to welcome REAL change, it is not going to be filtrated through skin color. This country needs a strong individual, who is not afraid to confront the real issues that exist in today's world. Yes, slavery is part of our history, Iraq is a reality, and our economic situation is dwindling, but how is this rookie going to change any of this? Simply dwelling on and discussing issues do not bring change, so grow a set Obama. Admit to your true heritage. Embrace it, and see it you can change this world. If you are not up to the challenge, let a real man handle it.

Posted by Simwallat | July 17, 2008 8:48 PM

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