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Friday, July 11, 2008

Because He’s Brad. He’s Brad. He’s Really, Really Brad.

posted by on July 11 at 15:53 PM

I’ve worked with Brad in the office for less than two months. So while I don’t know him very well, in this time we’ve been very close—our desks are separated by a thiiiiin wall. He’s always been polite enough to pretend like he didn’t see or hear the stupid things I write/say/do. And I do a lot of them. All the best, Mr. Stranger.

I know you don’t want any more of these posts, but too freakin’ Brad.

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I KNOW, I KNOW! I don't normally post outside of Christopher "Enormous Whozeewhatsit!!!" Frizelle's posts, but I decided to post in Dominc's because he always writes about large erections.

Bradley, we hardly knew ye. You sound as if you might be the voice of reason at the loony bin; the less-than-toxic Nurse Ratched to Savage's Nicholson. In fact, with your departure, I worry that all we'll have left is a staff afflicted by Stockholm Syndrome for their cruel Editorial Director. I won't even mention the EIC, as we have a love-hate relationship. Suffice to say, I think you all will find many examples in his writing that betray the fact MY head does most of his thinking.

But that's not my problem. As you may have guessed, I grew a set long ago and can handle what life throws my way.

Thank you for all you did to make The Stranger what it is today, and for building a solid foundation for what it will become tomorrow.

And Brad, I never, ever do this, but for you -- well...

I'll tell you what an outgoing Managing Editor needs enormous vagina!!!

Posted by Christopher Frizzelle's Enormous Whozeewhatsit | July 11, 2008 4:55 PM

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