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Thursday, June 19, 2008

In/Visible Is Up: How Does It Feel Winning the Contemporary Northwest Art Awards?

posted by on June 19 at 14:29 PM

On the beleaguered morning after the opening party for the Contemporary Northwest Art Awards last Saturday, the five winning artists sat down in a conference room in the Portland Art Museum and gave each other insane love. This recording is the result of that union.

There was Whiting Tennis,

Dan Attoe,

Marie Watt,

Cat Clifford,

and Jeffry Mitchell.

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Whoa, welcome back to high school art class. Except for Whiting Tennis, all I can say is, if I had a 3 year old child, it would be able to out do all that crap.
I am so tired of people praising the work of crap. This particular emperor has no clothes, or badly created clothes, whatever.

Posted by Edward | June 19, 2008 2:42 PM

I'm currently at 89th and Aurora turning tricks in an alley so I can eventually buy a Dan Attoe. I have the world's biggest art hard-on for him right aesthetic zipper just ripped.

Posted by Jubilation T. Cornball | June 19, 2008 2:43 PM

I like the Attoe too. The others leave me cold, except the Jeffry Mitchell, which looks like garbage.

Posted by Fnarf | June 19, 2008 2:59 PM

Have to agree with Fnarf, Michells looks like garbage and I have not seen any of his work that did not look like shit covered in white paint. Someone might want to wake him up and tell him to learn how to create work that does not double as a bong.

Posted by Fnarfy | June 19, 2008 3:10 PM

There should Be A Question Mark With....

Turning Point For Madison ?
Seattle Times Local Section
June 19, 2008

At the speed of genius, Jen comes in right on time with the big If.

Nice headline and what matters most, mostly.

I say this tounge in hat because i have been turning in to her lately.

All the weird little gibberish and tantric insults I denighed myself over the years in hopes of expressive defiance, and possibly a shot at space... that high lonesome windsong lost in the ether of constant flight.

I have had a tremendous amount of help perservering the storms of the psyche, and at this point I will digress yet again from the topic of others and thier acheivments to justify my interlope and nature.

It would be very easy to trump her expertise and years of training, advanced study and the close intimate working enviornment of her slovenly co-horts...

A term I use in disdain against the droll and trite nasaly tone I imagine A. Birch Steen uses with lazy demeanor.... right up until the point of contention of todays announcement at the BIG NEWS shift in the Hearst Dynasty; certainly worthy of note to any publishing paper and aspiring efforts of those maligned.

Instead of listing the personal tradgedies of abuse and neglect of the super-rich and the radical protester, the poor and the meek and the proud and the vulgar, I will attempt to add further mist to the mystical and scientific mind and acceptance course of all those either unfamiliar with the general thread of these topics strung together or the forced requirements of reading in a domain "they" would rather not spend time in.

As if recess wasn't enough for highschool minded drop outs tuning into see the spectacle of major finaciers and acredited accumen wrestle with fags, homos and lebian bi-genderized schitzo-freak dope smokers....and of course piss-ants jealous of mis-fortune, a place I know well; I will now drag you by the ear down the SYMES hole theory of "Dan's Interpretive Stance" and the

"Dance on the Volcano/Los Endos Willow Farm
Narcissus Growing Up"

lessons that I have been working thru the "Secret Place(s)" and books and destructive aftermath of post 9-11 and this years interesting 45th scream down...( I admit I have been extending my appointed "42 scream down" selfishly.

Beyond the obvious numbering systems connections to the news, stock market, social injustice and upcoming "Itailan" released fashion issue photography beautiful beautiful article announced in todays New York Times...

( I keyed in on the chocolate skin 'natarauhhhl' beauty without the uv radiation problems associated with high fashion photography degeneration and the largess of big money advertising)

{please a warning to the double behind the keystroke scene now.... toggling with edit functions online usually makes more work for the lawyers...}

I was thinking about a little sign on the bus on the way over to this library and the "weather" page on the back of the local section and the median average temperature that is displayed....

all the averages {temps} without a lot of cold cold areas displayed and was wondering about the dry desert and the warm looking spot in Alaska.

Then it occurred to me that I should be thinking like Jules Vern and then walla....

my tattoo explained to me the reason why i have been excessively agressive in demanding my redacted and recorded lyrics and theories from the state and private/public institutions and corporations....

( of course you know they are making money on it and some of it is classifies) because if you think in terms of

give me "STEAM", and the melting "POLES" and "traveling between" the "underneath" portion of "middle earth" and "mid-veil" and "mid-world"

(the real cavernous alleyways through the vast tunneling regions of geo-volcanic avenues in the earths crust and plate techtonics),

then the mystery of rising mists in cloud formations, the mysts of the oceans and melting ice caps and artic and anarctic glacial deposits and mountain ranges become less fantastic in the 21st century global warming cycle of mother natures sun.

Think about the reality of how you enjoy your art, tv, movie, porn or book, picnic or walk thru political discourse of the day, the blanket on the beach or closet grow light, and take a second to think simply about "what if?"....

what if all the ice melts at the top and bottom of the poles and the oceans do in
fact drain into a hole at the north end of our neighborhood,

( we all live here remember?)

and the question becomes not who is to blame yet again but what will we do and how much steam until the plates and shelves fall off the rotating ball of iron at the center of the earth.

I stress this to the WI-FI world now, because at this moment as I type at the Kirkland Branch of the King County Library Systems # 404 terminal as soon as I typed in falls off the iron ball a very young "tyke" aged child.... neither infant nor grade school by the sound of the squeel....

Thom Yorke: Is this what you meant when you penned " gucci little piggy " that place where I hog the repeated myth lines and not study long enough to footnote the "backs of those wings on which I have climbed"?

I am lazy it is true... and I aspire to cut to the quick and dispense with the stuffy old lines of diploma disapline I am now too creeky to maintain as a " strapping young lad ".

That does not mean however, that I do not honor my "peers" in my request and public trial oral exams as " if " I were genius enough to warrant a Rhodes Scholarship.

I lack the digital camera to photo-log my ring tatoo and the words, yet I appeal to your mercy and can repeat the demonstration if necessary.

Posted by daniel bennett kieneker | June 19, 2008 3:43 PM

I like none of those.

Posted by DOUG. | June 19, 2008 3:57 PM

Um, Jen? Watch your back. I think DBK is on your trail -- "i have been turning in to her lately" is not a promising opening line.

But then, neither is "my tattoo explained to me..."

Posted by Fnarf | June 19, 2008 4:02 PM

@1 Welcome to high school commenting class.

Posted by threeyearoldemperor | June 19, 2008 5:26 PM

I implore Fnarf and Fnarfy to give Jeffry Mitchell a second, longer look. Perhaps his garbageyness and bongesqueries may strike you as funny, part of the effect but not all.

Posted by Tim Appelo | June 19, 2008 7:29 PM

really great podcast. always great to hear artists talk about their work and they all sound so supportive of each other's projects.

Posted by joey | June 20, 2008 6:55 AM

Sorry, Jen, but your where-do-live(?) (where did you come from?) vibe with Attoe was pretty funny.

Posted by dvnms | June 21, 2008 12:16 AM

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