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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Every Child Deserves a Mother and a Father…

posted by on February 14 at 12:59 PM

An Oklahoma City man was sentenced today to life in prison without parole after he admitted to beating his infant daughter to death almost five years ago.

The plea spared Jeremy Leon Rucker from facing the death penalty in the May 19, 2003, death of his 4-month-old daughter, Madison.

Rucker, 25, had been accused in Oklahoma County District Court of beating the girl to death over a span of several hours. Rucker initially told Oklahoma City police the bruises on his daughter’s face and shoulder came from being hit by her year-old brother’s “sippy cup,” according to court papers. He later admitted to beating the girl over a 14-hour period.

Thanks to Slog tipper Michael.

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Sippy-Cups really should have a warning label against that sort of thing.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | February 14, 2008 1:36 PM

Obviously this means straight men shouldn't be allowed to be fathers!

Posted by Charity Froggenhall | February 14, 2008 2:24 PM

Anyone else ever feel a bit queasy when you hear that someone pleaded guilty to avoid a death sentence? I always worry that an innocent person has been pressured by the high stakes into pleading guilty. I'm not sure it should be allowed to happen.

Anyone who beats a baby to death is evil.

Posted by SpookyCat | February 14, 2008 4:49 PM

Beating your own 4 month old baby over 14 FLIPPING HOURS takes a special kind of evil.

Posted by YO | February 14, 2008 9:05 PM

News like this makes me think that people should be surgically sterilized at puberty, and then have to pass a psychological exam before they could get the procedure reversed and become parents.

Posted by Barbara | February 15, 2008 11:23 AM

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