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Do you know you can watch an Iowa caucus LIVE from Des Moines on CSPAN?

Oh my god. I am such a nerd.

Comments (7)


Yeah, but then it's like a documentary, so it's kind of like being an online documentary movie nerd, so that's cool, Annie.

Posted by Will in Seattle | January 3, 2008 5:46 PM

Watching this makes me a feel a huge loss for our future. WA State elections are headed towards mail in only ballots. American Democracy was founded on the type of activity present in the room on CSPAN. Individuals speaking their minds in a community environment. The future of Washington is the elimination of community.

Posted by apttitle | January 3, 2008 5:48 PM

Im watching it too.

Posted by blaire with an e | January 3, 2008 5:55 PM


Posted by C-SPAN Iowans | January 3, 2008 5:57 PM

Hey! My sister works for CSPAN. She's going to be doing New Hampshire next week, though, she's not in Iowa. Does that make her a SuperNerd?

Posted by Dot | January 3, 2008 6:05 PM


Posted by Mr. Poe | January 3, 2008 7:23 PM

Uh, if you'd had C-SPAN on at any point in the last week (as it's been on in my household), you'll see that they've been showing Iowa stuff 99% of the time.... and now, to quote my boyfriend, "We get to watch C-SPAN for NEW HAMPSHIRE!" Oy vey.

Posted by James | January 3, 2008 9:20 PM

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