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A Text Message from Eli

He’s at a caucus site in Iowa…

Bigger turnout here at my site, Grace United Methodist Church in Des Moines, than in 2004. In 2004: 278. In 2008: 322. Way more Obama supporters than any other group. He is going to win this site, and obviously, if the same thing is playing out across the state, win Iowa.

Clinton’s supporters here are older and whiter and more sedate—and lots are older women. Obama’s supporters are younger, more diverse, and LOUD. The most excited people in the room. Although an elderly black Edward’s supporter just ran down a church aisle screaming for her man.

UPDATE: More news from Eli via text…

Hillary almost wasn’t even FIRST round viable at my site. She needed 49 supporters. She only got to 49 because the lone Kucinich supporter gave up and went to help the Hillary people out.

That Kucinich supporter is going to be in trouble with Dennis—he had instructed his hordes of supporters to throw their support to Obama if, by some strange circumstance, Kucinich wasn’t viable, i.e. didn’t have enough supporters in the room to win the caucus site. Oy, it’s complicated. People at the caucus site express their preference—really, that’s what they call it—and if a particular candidate doesn’t win, say, the support of 20% of the room, that candidate’s supporters are free to go with their second choice.

UPDATE: More from Eli via text…

Fierce competition for Biden and Richardson supporters. Neither had viable support. Richardson people going to Edwards. Biden people going to Obama.

UPDATE: A final text from Eli…

Obama wins big here. Hillary: 62. Edwards: 72. Obama: 175.

Comments (4)


So, all Obama supporters have to do is wear them out and the Clinton supporters will leave all tired and confused?


Posted by Will in Seattle | January 3, 2008 5:47 PM

holy disaster for clinton. are eli and sanders in particularly representative districts?

Posted by josh | January 3, 2008 6:38 PM


Only if he split himself into two.

Posted by Magic! | January 3, 2008 7:09 PM

ack. I meant Sarah.

(looks like the answer was "no")

Posted by josh | January 3, 2008 8:08 PM

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